World News

Mexican pilgrims hope papal visit will bring much-needed change

With anticipation growing in the streets of Mexico City for Pope Francis' visit, a group of local pilgrims found time to thank their "mother" and prayed that it would give their country a spiritual awakening.

Little kids learn what Lent is all about

Young children in the Child Care program of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish in Limerick received ashes on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 10, plus a friendly instruction from the pastor, Father Paul Brandt.

Cookies, sombrero and a shoe shine: Even reporters give pope gifts

His flight to Cuba Feb. 12 had a unique moment. Noel Diaz, who lives in Los Angeles and was covering the trip for ESNE -- a Catholic radio and television network -- asked the pope if he could shine his shoes "in memory of all those people who struggle daily to put bread on their tables."

Mexican prison riot leaves 49 dead on day before pope arrives

A prison riot in the northern Mexican city of Monterrey has claimed 52 lives, offering another example of the problems plaguing Mexico's prison system and casting a pall over the arrival of Pope Francis in the country.

‘How to Be Single’ might be subtitled, ‘And How Not to Be’

Our reviewer notes a disconcerting moral snag concerning procreation in an otherwise appealing, if slightly raunchy, romantic comedy movie about ladies seeking Mr. Right.

Surge in Zika virus rekindles abortion debate in Brazil

The president of the Brazilian bishops' conference criticized a proposal by the U.N. Human Rights Commission that countries allow abortion in cases in which the mother was infected with the Zika virus.

‘Risen’ helps revive the biblical epic

Two soon-to-be-released films seem positioned to ignite a sustained revival of the marriage of scriptural message with opulent production values.

Texas cardinal discusses transformative power of Eucharist at congress

"When you're a disciple in the presence of the Eucharist, something happens to you. You're transformed. ... Body broken, blood poured out."

Pope pushes ‘door of mercy’ wider, sends missionaries to local parishes

Their special mission, he has said, is to be a living witness of God's closeness and love -- to knock on the doors of people's hearts and let God into their lives, especially those who have become distant from the church.

Charismatic healing Mass

The Charismatic liturgy will be celebrated at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11 at St. Katharine of Siena Church, Wayne. All are welcome.