National News

Toledo Diocese closes Catholic Chronicle under plan to bridge deficit

The Toledo Diocese will cease publishing its newspaper, close its related website, end production of a weekly televised Mass and reduce spending at the diocesan pastoral center by 20 percent to plug a budget deficit.

Be a happy Christian: Show teens the joy of your faith

Chris Stefanick's teenagers are proud of their faith. How did he and his wife do that? They make their faith attractive by being passionately alive in everything, then Bam! -- faith becomes contagious.

Boeing engineer talks STEM at Catholic school

Students of SS. Colman-John Neumann Catholic School in Bryn Mawr learned about careers in engineering and worked on designing a glider with a local engineer.

St. Vincent de Paul Society joins local discount stores to help the poor

The Catholic aid organization has partnered with 2nd Avenue Value Stores, with three stores in the region, to offer gift cards that allow people to select items they need with dignity.

Across the Aisles: Rite of Election

Archbishop Charles Chaput welcomed and blessed hundreds of people preparing to enter the Catholic Church fully this Easter during recent liturgies at the cathedral. See our photo gallery.

EWTN says foundress Mother Angelica remains in ‘delicate’ condition

Members of her religious order, the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration at Our Lady of Angels Monastery in Hanceville, asked for prayers for her.

Pope: Being Christian is doing God’s will, not just talking the talk

"God is concrete" and so is the Christian life, which requires doing God's will and serving the least as well as those around you, Pope Francis said today at morning Mass.

Death-row experience interweaves lives of priest, man he helped free

When Father Neil Kokoothe first met Joseph D'Ambrosio on Ohio's death row in December 1998, he intended to describe the funeral of the condemned man's mother.

Illinois state budget impasse seen as threat to social services network

In addition to the $25 million it is owed, Catholic Charities, one of the state's largest social service agencies, floats the state more than $2 million each month.

French cardinal under fire for dealings with priest charged with abuse

In a Feb. 14 statement, La Parole Liberee, an association set up to aid victims at Saint-Luc, said 45 victims of the priest had now come forward, adding that the group had filed charges against Cardinal Barbarin for failing to report abuse.