A condominium complex is reduced to rubble Aug. 26 after Hurricane Harvey struck in Rockport, Texas. (CNS photo/Rick Wilking, Reuters)
WASHINGTON (CNS) — Several organizations have established emergency relief operations for the thousands of people affected by Hurricane Harvey and the floods in Texas and Louisiana.
Contributions can be made to:
— Catholic Charities USA: online at https://catholiccharitiesusa.org; telephone at 800-919-9338; mail to P.O. Box 17066, Baltimore, Maryland, 21297-1066 and write “Hurricane Harvey” in the memo line of the check.
— Texas Catholics Conference is coordinating emergency services. A listing by diocese of where to give has been posted online at https://txcatholic.org/harvey/.
— Local dioceses are expected to initiate special collections during weekend Masses Sept. 2-3 or Sept. 9-10. Funds will benefit Catholic Charities USA’s disaster relief efforts as well as pastoral and rebuilding support through the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
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With God’s blessings and your Faith and Hope, your lives will be helped. We are placing the Hurricane Harvey victims as worthy pilgrims in our prayerful intentions book tonight as we @ Corpus Christi Church of Lansdale, Pennsylvania begin our 9 week novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Healing Novena. God Bless to the recovery workers too.