A woman religious is seen with delegates during a breakout session Sept. 21 at the Fifth National Encuentro in Grapevine, Texas. (CNS photo/Tyler Orsburn)
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In response to current scandals, clericalism and the need for reform, Catholic women must take the initiative and make their voices be heard, according to a series of articles in a Vatican magazine.
The October edition of Women Church World, published Oct. 1 in conjunction with the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, dedicated its monthly issue to “Women Confronting the Crisis of the Church.”
“We wanted to give voice to a critical reflection from the point of view of women,” Lucetta Scaraffia, the magazine’s director, wrote in the opening editorial.
The first article, titled “Holy Rage,” was a Q&A with Sister Veronique Margron, a moral theologian who works with abuse victims, is president of the Conference of Religious in France and is provincial superior of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation.
She said one major factor behind the “omerta” or culture of silence in the church lies in the image the church often has of itself as being a family, which, when it comes to incidences of sexual abuse, “has disastrous consequences.”
The image of a family is meant to describe the beauty of reciprocal care and love for each member, she said. However, just like when abuse is experienced in a family, that abuse is rarely talked about and finds support in sayings that warn against “airing your dirty linen in public.”
Just being angry or upset about abuse is not enough, she said. “Courage is a virtue” and is needed to get people to do something about what they hear and know.
“A holy rage is needed,” she said, as well as a clear awareness that “the difficulties that we will have to face if we speak out are nothing compared to what the victim has suffered.”
Sister Margron spoke about the problem of abuse of power and conscience, which affects men and women equally.
A kind of “incestuous environment” can affect a religious community, she said; it distorts and abuses the vow of obedience as one person puts another under his or her control.
“When you enter religious life, you are trusting and your guard is down, something which is entirely normal,” she said. For these men and women who have given their lives completely to God, any act of abuse “gives rise to a tragic sense of shame,” so deep that it becomes impossible to talk about it.
Christian life is built on faith, trust and promises, which is why suspicion is “poison for a community. The challenge is to establish procedures and checks, exactly for safeguarding the quality and decency” of relationships.
Scaraffia, a historian, wrote in the article “Feminism and Clericalism” that women have to be given more leadership roles if their voices are ever to be heard or have any authority.
“It is true that women, even the most obedient, do not truly feel part of the church, but at most (they feel like) obedient daughters,” she wrote.
If they did feel they were a welcome part, then they would fight no matter what their role “with all the weapons they possess, which are not trivial things,” for the church to follow Christ’s teachings.
But, she said, clericalism is also when the people of God sit at closed doors waiting to be called in.
“This is the clericalism Catholic feminists must heal because the condition of women in the church will change only if women have the courage to begin to change things from below, with denunciations if necessary, with questions that are never asked.”
So often the absence of women in leadership or decision-making is not because of dogma or canon law, she said, but just deeply entrenched and outdated traditions.
Anne-Marie Pelletier, a French biblical scholar who won the Ratzinger Prize for her contributions to theology, advocated in her article for a church guided by the “two voices” of all men and women.
Pelletier wrote that getting the entire people of God dedicated to living a life of conversion and holiness is the “exact antidote to the venom of clericalism that lies behind the criminal abuses of power.”
While recognizing there are women who are “ready to adopt clerical behaviors,” all too often it is women who see and experience the abuse of power in the church, in which the hierarchy is predominately male, she wrote.
Religious or laywomen, Pelletier wrote, “know all too well the haughty, condescending, disdainful gaze turned their way” and they daily experience an obedience imposed by men who jealously hold for themselves “the prestige of knowledge and authority.”
The church needs two voices, male and female, if the church is to “rediscover a truly evangelical intelligence of power as service” and for change to really happen, she wrote.
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It is not homosexual priests! How many of the abuse cases were homosexual and how many involved girls? Quite a number. Just because a man finds himself attracted to men doesn’t mean he has sinned or that he will. And abuse is not only in the Catholic Church – it is found in most churches. I believe having women to help with this problem instead of just the men “in charge”, would have found this situation dealt with long ago.
What is clericalism? After scanning the article, I couldn’t find the definition of it. It’s the first time I’ve heard this term and I’m no youngster!
The problem is lack of holiness and honesty among so many Catholic clergy and lay people. This lack of devotion to Christ and his Word lies at the heart of this crisis and all problems in the Church. I fear that the “clericalism” aunt sally is being brought out by those with another agenda — viz. to demolish the Catholic priesthood and related sacramental life. As the phrase attributed to Churchill goes: “never waste a good crisis”
As the liberals say, never waste a crisis to push forward your agenda! Sisters jumping on the #METOO movement… Please, spare us all the drama… We are all souls, male and female, not to be pitted against each other. The problem is homosexual priests, which should not have ever been ordained as it appears they were not able to maintain chastity, to which we are all called. Shameful, but not “clericalism.” Time to call it by it’s real name: homosexuality.
This is more Vatican doubletalk to divert attention away from the root cause of the moral rot within the Church which is predatory homosexuality carried out by homosexual priests, bishops, and cardinals against innocent altar boys and male adolescents, seminarians, and young men. These sodomite priests, prelates, and their extensive cadre of sympathizers, cover up agents, and career fast track facilitators within the Church are a moral abomination. They should all should resign immediately or be forcibly expunged from the Church.
For all those others within the Church religious who knowingly remained silent for years in the face of this evilness, especially high ranking religious, they too must share partial blame for their moral cowardice. As a first step in this cleansing process they should all come forward publicly, admit and take responsibility for their wrong doings, and ask for forgiveness.
More deflection from the filth in the Vatican. The problem is not “clericalism.” That is absurd on it’s face. The problem is homosexual priests.