
Risks are minimal when drinking from common chalice

Father Ken Doyle cites a scientist's conclusion that taking Communion from the chalice "isn’t any riskier than standing in line at the movies," so germophobes have little to fear and much to gain during Communion.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

God’s outrageous love gives hope to a suffering world

As the manager of a food pantry, Patrick Walsh sees every day how the Lord works in and through all those who are part of the daily ministry of feeding both body and soul. Healing for the community and the church is possible by inviting the Holy Spirit into our lives.

Keep your eyes, and heart, open to see the kingdom of God

Being a follower of Jesus requires a vigilance grounded in secure love, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. This state of readiness means knowing that life's treasures are of God, being prepared for his coming and remaining faithful to the gift that has been given us.

Bad news about Catholic Church isn’t the whole story

Amid scandals and secularism, it's easy to be poisoned by pessimism, writes Gina Christian. But many of the faithful continue to witness to the love of Christ through devout prayer and compassionate service.

Muslims, Jesus and the plan of salvation

Christians and Muslims do have some common ideas about Jesus, but there are also stark and fundamental differences, explains Father Ken Doyle, who also addresses an issue about reception of Communion.

What religious statues say about us, our times and eternity

Kim Griffin is on the hunt for a statue of Mary, which like all religious art points our gaze toward God, who alone we adore. But that religious worldview is under fire today by the secular culture.

Giving the gift of prayer to our kids

Praying as a family can be hard amid the chaos of everyday life, writes Patrick Walsh. Yet even when they're dipping into the ketchup during dinnertime grace, children hear God's call, and they can learn to respond through mom and dad's example.

Jesus reminds us that true riches are found in the things of God

Gathering treasure in heaven yields a lasting return on investment, while fulfilling the deepest longings of the human heart, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior.

Should parents attend their daughter’s nonchurch wedding?

Father Kenneth Doyle advises a couple heartbroken by their only child's decision to marry outside of the faith. In response to another reader, he clarifies what vegetarians should do for no-meat Fridays in Lent.