
Tragic fire kills four, but unites community in hope and faith

Father Gus Puleo recounts the funeral at his parish, St. Patrick's in Norristown, for two little girls killed in a house fire in which there were no smoke detectors. The rites were a public lesson in the resurrection.

Seek the eternal in a busy world

Maria-Pia Negro Chin sees exhausted young people rushing from one activity to the next, and at times she too stresses over many things. If we have God's love, she writes, what are we stressed about?

In a culture of fear, there are 3 ways to cope

At the root of the disturbing rise in suicide is fear, writes Father Eugene Hemrick. Once it is embedded in us, it is difficult to uproot, but an examination of conscience can identify and help eliminate it.

If parish is ‘dictatorship,’ what’s a member to do?

Father Ken Doyle answers an irate reader's questions about parish structure. This priest who works 12 hours a day (plus weekends) takes issue with being characterized a 9-to-5 worker not worth his pay.

Come to the cathedral, meet your new priests

Everyone is invited to witness the ordination of four new priests for the Philadelphia Archdiocese on Saturday. editor Matthew Gambino takes a look at the ceremony and the road ahead for these men.

How much should you give to the needy? Give more

Writer Effie Caldarola notes two essentials for Catholic stewardship: giving of time and talent should come off the top, not from what's leftover; and our giving should be sacrificial, not just from our surplus.

Go ahead and celebrate, but not too much

When Maureen Pratt was asked to "celebrate" lupus, the disabling disease she's been living with for 15 years, or to celebrate celiac disease or vitamins or pets, she pondered what it means to truly celebrate.

Listen up: We’re in life as a team

It's not easy being a teenager, writes Erick Rommel. It's also not easy being a preteen, toddler, or senior citizen. Life is not easy. So it's a good thing we belong to a never-ending stream of teams.

Dinner with young family comes with a big helping of noise

In their Marriage Matters column, Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain offer coping skills to two young parents sitting down for dinner with typical, but rammy, children.

If priest is infirm, shouldn’t deacon distribute the Communion host?

Father Ken Doyle answers a reader who wants to know why a deacon is distributing the Precious Blood but not the host, in absence of the priest. Father Doyle also digs into a pile of religious items in the mail.