Local News

Catholic experts advise on coping with anxiety of pandemic

COVID-19 is presenting emotional and mental challenges, plus physical health issues. Catholic psychologists and a Philadelphia priest are providing insights, resources and positive ways to cope.

On Mother’s Day, ministry reminds infertile women they’re not alone

Springs in the Desert, which provides emotional and spiritual support for those unable to bear children, will host a free virtual retreat May 8-10 to offer hope and healing for an issue that affects some 7.3 million Americans.

Beloved nun, educator loses battle with COVID-19

IHM Sister Irene Loretta Cassady, vice principal of St. Matthew Parish School in Northeast Philadelphia, died on May 7 knowing that "God has a plan for us all," even during a time of pandemic.

Archdiocese releases financial statements

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia released audited financial statements May 5 for the 2018-2019 fiscal year for several offices and entities.

Parish, school mobilize in prayer for nun with COVID-19

Parents, teachers and students at St. Matthew in Northeast Philadelphia are uniting in online rosaries for vice principal IHM Sister Irene Loretta Cassady, now hospitalized in serious condition with the coronavirus.

Lower Bucks families rally to restock food pantry

A two-day collection organized by a Penndel parishioner netted 8,000 pounds of food for Mary's Cupboard, an archdiocesan pantry that has seen a 100% increase in demand due to the pandemic.

For church ministries and parishes, #GivingTuesdayNow comes just in time

The global online giving campaign marks May 5 as a day to support programs strained by the COVID-19 pandemic. Locally, Catholic Charities Appeal beneficiaries and struggling parishes are the focus of donations.

For first time in 69 years, National Day of Prayer going virtual

The local group that hosts the annual prayer gathering in Rose Tree Park, Delaware County, is following the nationwide lead to gather in prayer virtually on Thursday, May 7.

Strong communications key to restoring parish life after COVID-19

Even when restrictions on coming to church lift, parishes can't rely on traditional printed bulletins but instead must ramp up their digital outreach and use the language people use, say archdiocesan communicators.

Cross-country delivery helps fight Philly-area hunger during pandemic

Some 40,000 pounds of food will restock pantries of archdiocesan Nutritional Development Services and the nonprofit Caring for Friends, thanks to a donation by the Utah-based Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.