Local News

In Philadelphia, spirit of Christmas past keeps up with present

How Americans have celebrated the holiday has changed dramatically over the centuries, writes a local historian. Catholics have helped to make Christmas more vibrant, bringing their cultures to bear on the celebration.

3 worship sites in city, Chester County set to close

Our Lady of the Holy Souls and St. Leo in Philadelphia, plus St. Stanislaus Kostka in Coatesville, all have operated as worship sites after merging with nearby parishes. Escalating costs of maintaining them was the main reason for closure.

St. Bernadette Parish draws 300 runners for Turkey Trot fundraiser

The Drexel Hill parish's Catholic school benefited by money raised from the 5K run Nov. 26, but everyone was a winner at the 10th annual event, which has become a new community tradition.

Teens get inside look at religious life while serving elderly

The Hospitality Club of Holy Family Home in Philadelphia enables young girls to share in the work of the Little Sisters of the Poor, who minister to impoverished seniors.

Now in its 10th year, senior residence ‘feels like home’

Once a Catholic high school, St. John Neumann Place I now houses 75 older adults who "get along like family." The building, one of five developed by archdiocesan Catholic Housing and Community Services, meets a critical need as the U.S. population rapidly ages.

Retired nuns share the journey with migrants and refugees

Some 100 Immaculate Heart sisters walked 1,170 miles during a nine-week pilgrimage that also raised over $1,900 for archdiocesan Catholic Social Services, which has welcomed 84 displaced persons since last year.

Two vital church ministries to benefit from #GivingTuesday

On the international day for charitable donations, the Communities of Don Guanella and Divine Providence as well as Mother of Mercy House in Kensington will be the beneficiaries in the Philadelphia region.

Archbishop speaks to Jewish community at Hanukkah

Archbishop Charles Chaput extended his prayerful best wishes to Jewish people in the Philadelphia area on the "Festival of Lights," Dec. 2-10, and stressed the need for heavenly light to see us through times of darkness.

St. Katharine Drexel’s tomb blessed at new home in Cathedral

Archbishop Charles Chaput blessed the new tomb, made possible by the Connelly Foundation, at the cathedral Nov. 18, where St. Katharine worshiped and where more pilgrims can come to pray for her intercession.

Climate scientist: Still time to curb worst effects of warmer world

The recipient of Villanova's Mendel Medal urged not "finger pointing" but collective action to slow the global warming process which, if not addressed, will lead to stronger and larger storms and wildfires.