Local News

St. Joseph’s U receives $50 million gift from loyal alum

James Maguire, class of 1958, and his wife gave the largest donation in St. Joseph's history. The gift will support scholarships, education for Catholic school teachers and a program to study the insurance field.

Donors to Catholic Charities Appeal continue centuries of service

Catholics first supported their neighbors in need 220 years ago in Philadelphia. Last year, the annual appeal passed the mark of $10 million raised -- for the fourth consecutive year.

Clerical assignment changes announced

Archbishop Charles Chaput named a new pastor and parochial vicar for one parish and indicated other changes for a priest and permanent deacon, effective July 17.

How we got here: Ancient painkillers lead to new epidemic

Overdoses from legal opioid drugs and illegal heroin have formed a deadly health crisis in places like Philadelphia's Kensington section, resulting in broken families and fractured communities.

Addicts find shelter, and mercy, in former city church

The former Ascension of Our Lord Church, closed and sold years ago, became a squalid stop for the city's heroin addicts. But the ministers at Mother of Mercy House are lighting the path to recovery.

Church program helps refugees escape oppression, resettle in America

Catholic Social Services is leading local Catholics' welcome of a Ukrainian family, a Nigerian man and youths from Central American and Central Africa. The prosperity of Liberians points to the success of the church's work.

Conference fetes 25 years of ‘owner’s manual’ for Catholics

The "Catechism of the Catholic Church" was published a quarter-century ago, and an event last week in Philadelphia drew 500 people to explore the "genius" of its presentation of Catholic teaching.

Allentown priest becomes bishop of his home diocese

Pope Francis has named Msgr. Alfred Schlert, 55, administrator of the Diocese of Allentown, as the diocese's new bishop. The bishop-elect is a native of Easton and has been vicar general of the diocese since 1998.

Naming of new Allentown bishop is ‘moment of joy,’ archbishop says

In a statement on behalf of the Philadelphia Archdiocese, Archbishop Charles Chaput congratulated Msgr. Alfred Schlert who was named by Pope Francis to lead the Diocese of Allentown.

For a century, Puerto Ricans have shared faith, citizenship

The mostly Catholic residents of the Caribbean island have lived in Philadelphia since the early 20th century, bringing their Catholic faith and cultural traditions into the city's mix of peoples.