Local News

CatholicPhilly.com wins six national awards for Catholic journalism

The Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada honored the archdiocese's news website for its coverage of the World Meeting of Families and the papal visit, plus other awards.

Local man named head of pro-family organization

Already the president of the National Organization for Marriage, Philadelphia resident Brian Brown will also lead the World Congress of Families, an international group advocating for the traditional family.

St. Charles Seminary seeks to move all operations off site

Citing planned renovation costs that would exceed proceeds of selling the lower side parcel, the seminary's board called for moving all seminarians and programs to a local Catholic college and selling the whole 76-acre property.

Catholic newcomers to Philadelphia raise their prayers — not only in English

On any Sunday in parishes of the Philadelphia Archdiocese, 17,000 people pray at Mass in 20 different languages other than English, with Spanish the leading tongue. Diversity in language goes back two centuries in the archdiocese.

Sales of illegal guns, and the boys they kill, focus of city prayer service

A long line of more than 100 T-shirts, symbolizing Philadelphia boys shot to death, stretched out by St. Rita of Cascia Shrine on Broad Street in South Philadelphia, part of a campaign to stop gun violence.

Counselors learn how to help women and men heal after abortion

The Philadelphia Archdiocese hosted a recent day-long Project Rachel program for people who work in counseling and see the deeply painful effects from the choice of abortion for mothers and fathers.

Priest beloved by Philadelphia’s Hispanic Catholics named new auxiliary bishop

In his remarks announcing his appointment by Pope Francis, Bishop-elect Edward Deliman told the Latino parishioners in Spanish that, "I am still Father Eduardo for you (and) I will always be." Learn more about the 69-year-old priest from the people who know him best.

Pat Ciarrocchi receives award named for colleague, Cardinal Foley

The most prominent Catholic member of the laity in the local secular news media for three decades, Ciarrocchi worked with the late cardinal to cover stories in Philadelphia and Rome.

Archbishop Chaput tapped to lead bishops’ efforts on family life

The U.S. Catholic bishops' president named Archbishop Charles Chaput as chair of a group of five bishops, including Bishop Michael Burbidge, studying local implementation of Pope Francis letter on marriage and family life.

Msgr. Edward Deliman named new auxiliary bishop

Pope Francis has named the pastor of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Bensalem a new assistant bishop for the Philadelphia Archdiocese. Archbishop Charles Chaput made the announcement May 31.