National News

Two Americans in Catholic leadership recall working with Mother Teresa

Even in the last years of her life, Blessed Teresa of Kolkata had a profound impact on those anywhere near her orbit, including two young Americans who grew into leadership positions in the U.S. Catholic Church.

Knights on Bikes ride motorcycles to take faith on the road

Don't let the black leather biker vests fool you. Robert Burneisen, Matt Goreczny and Chris Wolfgong wear theirs for inspiration, not intimidation.

Summer camp memories inspire engineer to fund Uganda education center

When Father Okiria and Hursey met, it was a providential way for both men to realize their dreams, including passing along the message of self-sufficiency and hope from Hursey's days at Camp St. Mary.

Slain Sisters committed lives to serving poor, vulnerable people in Mississippi

Sister Paula Merrill, a member of the congregation since 1979, was found murdered Aug. 25 along with Sister Margaret Held, a member of the School Sisters of St. Francis in Milwaukee, in the home they shared in Durant, Mississippi.

Judge won’t stop Calif. assisted suicide law or suit challenging it

A group of doctors, backed by the American Academy of Medical Ethics -- also known as the Christian Medical and Dental Society -- had sued to suspend the law while their challenge proceeded.

Bishops Reed, O’Connell ordained auxiliaries for Boston Archdiocese

Noting that the ordinations of Auxiliary Bishops Robert P. Reed and Mark W. O'Connell Aug. 24 were occurring during the Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis, Cardinal O'Malley said that lost sheep were Jesus' priority.

Poverty solutions almost absent as a presidential campaign issue

No doubt, poverty is a tough sell in a campaign where middle class votes -- both blue collar and white collar -- are important to success come Election Day Nov. 8.

Suspect sought in murders of nuns who worked at Mississippi clinic

Sister Margaret Held and Sister Paula Merrill, both 68, were found stabbed to death Aug. 25 in their home. They spent years caring for poor people as nurse practitioners in central Mississippi.

Federal judge blocks directive on transgender access to school bathrooms

A judge in Texas upheld current law that "specifically permits educational institutions" to provide bathroom facilities "based on sex, provided that the separate facilities are comparable." The ruling extends nationwide.

Diocese says government slow to offer ways to resolve impasse on mandate

"We have always been willing to meet with representatives of the government to negotiate a mutually agreeable solution to our impasse over religious freedom," said a Pittsburgh diocese statement issued Aug. 10.