National News

Planned Parenthood CEO at Georgetown said dismissive of pro-life views

Georgetown Right to Life members complained Cecile Richards restricted questions to the final eight minutes of her one-hour event. She took only four questions, just two of them from pro-life students.

Inquiry into Dorothy Day’s life next step in sainthood cause

The Dorothy Day Guild said on its website that the names of 256 people had been submitted as potential eyewitnesses to Day's life.

How to make the parish a well-run operation

A church management program at Villanova University is training laypeople, seminarians and priests from six continents to combine practical business skills with theological insights to benefit parishes and dioceses.

Head of Knights urges action by U.S. after Kerry’s genocide declaration

If Christians and other religious minorities disappear in Iraq and Syria, "pluralism and stability leave with them," the head of the Knights of Columbus told a congressional commission April 19.

Lay missionaries find purpose and spiritual growth during work abroad

The Catholic Volunteer Network is one of the largest Catholic coordinators of mission trips and the organization had 2,668 lay missionaries serving within the U.S. during 2014-2015 and 428 serving internationally.

Groups hail defeat of Mississippi bill on police detaining immigrants

"Under this bill, if someone was stopped without their driver's license, they could be detained and transferred" to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody.

Groups ask Congress to pass conscience protection for health care workers

Faith-based, health care and pro-life groups are urging passage of the Conscience Protection Act to strengthen protection of people who refuse to perform, pay for, refer, or provide coverage for abortion.

Church-run restaurant in El Paso takes parish dining to new level

Taking its name from the miraculous cloak of St. Juan Diego, La Tilma is a ministry of Sacred Heart Church in El Paso's Segundo Barrio, one of the city's oldest communities.

Supreme Court hears arguments on Obama’s deferred deportation programs

All eyes are once again on what seems to be an evenly divided Supreme Court, which heard oral arguments April 18 in a major case impacting a U.S. immigration policy.

Aim of Solidarity Festival to show Catholic social teaching in action

Immigrant workers shared stories of wage theft and exploitation with college students April 16 at the first Solidarity Festival to be held on the campus of Vincentian-run St. John's University in the Queens borough of New York.