
Pope prays Blessed Paul VI will intercede for ‘church he loved so much’

On the 40th anniversary of the death of Blessed Paul VI, Pope Francis went into the grotto under St. Peter's Basilica to pray at his predecessor's simple tomb.

Use internet to promote tourism that respects environment, Vatican says

Cardinal Peter Turkson said the "digital transformation" of tourism has the potential for promoting happier and healthier vacations that do more to protect the natural environment and promote authentic encounters between people.

Greensburg Diocese stands ready help to abuse survivors ‘in their healing’

The Diocese of Greensburg is one of six dioceses that have been the subject of a months-long investigation by the state's attorney general into sexual abuse claims, many of which go back decades.

Cardinal Cupich: Death penalty can’t ‘rebalance the scales of justice’

Chicago Cardinal Blase J. Cupich described how Catholic teaching on the death penalty has developed and stressed that putting people to death makes it seem that the God-given right to life is conditional.

Faith is a relationship, not a set of rules, pope says at Angelus

Doing God's will means first of all believing in Jesus and allowing love for him to translate into love for one's neighbors, Pope Francis said.

Massgoers pray for shrine rector, all other passengers who survived crash

Hundreds of worshippers gathered outdoors at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Des Plaines the evening of Aug. 1 to give thanks for the survival of all 103 people aboard Aeromexico Flight 2431.

Abuse scandal prompts feelings of ‘shame, anger, deep disappointment’

The sex abuse allegations against Archbishop Theodore E. McCarrick and questions about whether "other church leaders knew about this abuse and could have intervened" to stop it "are painful," Lincoln Bishop James D. Conley said.

Maryland parish helps Puerto Ricans still rebuilding from hurricane

Although Puerto Rico's post-hurricanes coverage has disappeared from the daily news cycles, Catholic workers have not forgotten the fact that thousands in this Caribbean island are still in dire need of a helping hand.

Historian says faith lived in Dachau section set aside for clergy

Dachau, the notorious German concentration camp most associated with the genocide of thousands of Jews during World War II, also held more than 2,700 clergy -- 2,400 of them Catholic priests.

Chilean bishops acknowledge failures in handling sexual abuse of minors

Chile's bishops acknowledged they had "failed to fulfill our duty by not listening, believing, attending or accompanying the victims of grave sins" after a five-day meeting to discuss the clergy sexual abuse crisis rocking the country.