
Work requirements to qualify for government aid: How well does it work?

In January, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that encouraged federal agencies to find ways to expand work requirements as a condition of receiving benefits.

Pope Francis advances sainthood causes of young teens

Pope Francis issued decrees advancing the sainthood causes of four candidates, including two young teenagers who heroically lived the Christian virtues.

For all the talk of sex, ‘Humanae Vitae’ took it seriously

Fifty years ago Pope Paul released his encyclical affirming the Catholic teaching on procreation. Though it has remained controversial ever since, observers see it as rooted in church teaching on social justice and human dignity.

Through ups and downs of 125 years, St. Ignatius Parish’s faith endures

The West Philadelphia parish is predominantly African American, although it began as a parish for German Catholics. With help from St. Katharine Drexel's sisters, the Catholic faith has sustained the Black Catholic community.

State of Earth tomorrow depends on action today, pope tells activists

Pope Francis called on governments to show "honesty and courage" to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and financial institutions to create sustainable development. "We cannot afford to waste time," he said.

‘Sterile hypocrisy’ behind mistreatment of migrants, pope says

Hearts that are closed to welcoming migrants and refugees are similar to those of the Pharisees, who often would preach sacrifice and following God's law without exercising mercy to those in need, Pope Francis said.

French cardinal leading Vatican’s interreligious efforts dies in U.S.

French Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, an experienced diplomat and head of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, died at the age of 75 in Hartford, Connecticut, where he was receiving medical treatment.

Atlanta Catholic lives his faith by leading Malteser relief efforts

The Order of Malta is a Catholic religious lay and chivalrous order established in 1099 in Jerusalem during the Crusades to defend Christianity and care for the wounded, poor and sick.

Whole church urged to strengthen outreach to Hispanic young adults, youth

As the National Fifth Encuentro process unfolds across the United States, one of the emerging voices is the need to strengthen outreach to Hispanic youth and young adults.

Encuentro process aims to identify, train 20,000 Hispanics to be leaders

Identifying and forming new leaders has been a priority from the start according to members of the V Encuentro's National Team of Accompaniment represented by 42 national and regional Catholic organizations that serve Hispanics.