
Beehive in Catholic school viewed as ecological, religious tool

St. John Fisher became the first Catholic school in Oregon to partner with The Bee Cause Project, an organization that has helped provide 300 educational facilities with observational hives that also deliver an ecological need.

Chilean Catholics weather fallout from clergy sexual abuse crisis

Many Catholics in Chile are struggling to deal with the clergy sexual abuse crisis that has led all Chilean bishops to offer their resignation to Pope Francis.

Panelists: Border-crossers face ICE ‘intimidation,’ brutal heat, tensions

The three panelists at a Tucson workshop on "Perspectives on Border Life" told stories from three perspectives. None of the stories were pretty.

Church in Congo suspends sacraments during Ebola outbreak

Mass continues without the sign of peace and Communion is distributed to hands rather than mouths, and the sacraments of anointing of the sick, confirmation and baptism have ceased indefinitely.

After immigrant raid, Ohio bishop says system adds to suffering

Cleveland Bishop Nelson J. Perez said he felt "a great sadness" for the more than 100 immigrants arrested in a federal raid this week and for the families separated by it. The division of families cannot be tolerated by any person of faith, he said.

Pope applauds patriarch’s call to protect the planet, protect people

Pope Francis sent his message to the patriarch on the occasion of a symposium June 5-8 in Greece, titled "Toward a Greener Attica: Preserving the Planet and Protecting its People."

Church group asks #MeToo activists for solidarity with persecuted women

The letter seeks to call their attention to women who have endured sexual and psychological violence because of their faith.

Pope sends birthday greetings to Latin American theologian

Pope Francis wished a happy 90th birthday to the "father of liberation theology" and thanked him for his contributions to the Catholic Church and his love for the poor.

Big book of numbers: Vatican volume tracks church statistics

Catholics around the world number more than 1.29 billion people, which is about 17.7 percent of the global population. The Vatican's Central Statistics Office compiles the figures each year.

Military members say encuentro strengthens faith, bond with one another

Senior Airman Zack Mackeller arrived on the campus of The Catholic University of America with one mission in his heart: to represent young Catholics who are in active military service at the Region IV encuentro.