
Mexican cardinal-designate ‘very close to the people,’ did not seek power

Cardinal-designate Sergio Obeso Rivera became a bishop at age 39, led the Mexican bishops' conference for nine years and worked closely on ending the official estrangement between Mexico and the Vatican.

Vatican bank sees profit while making ethical investments, report says

According to the 128-page report published May 22, the institute's net profit for 2017 was 31.9 million euros ($37.6 million), which will all be donated to the Holy See.

Cardinal stats: Pope makes college more international, not much younger

Although it is not unusual for a pope to set aside temporarily the limit of 120 cardinals under the age of 80, Pope Francis has done so in a way that could last for more than a year.

Australian archbishop, convicted of abuse cover-up, stepping aside

Archbishop Philip Wilson faces up to two years in jail for failing to inform police about child sexual abuse allegations he had heard in 1976. He has not formally resigned as archbishop of Adelaide.

Catholics among 59 arrested during ‘pray-in’ at U.S. Capitol

Catholics arrested said they willingly gave up their freedom for a few hours to object to widespread racism, voter suppression, anti-immigrant policies and inaction on poverty around the country.

Pope addresses ‘worries’ facing Catholic Church in Italy

The pope said he wanted to highlight three concerns facing the Catholic Church in Italy "not to hit you over the head, but to tell you that these things worry me."

Abuse survivor says pope told him God loves him the way he is

Juan Carlos Cruz said his homosexuality and how it brought about further suffering was something he discussed with the pope during the private meeting.

Religious leaders say new NAFTA shouldn’t restrict access to medicines

Trade agreements can have enormous impacts on the ability of the sick and the poor to access the medicines they need for healing and even survival.

Catholic young adult ministry leaders discuss ‘unique moment’ in church

About 130 leaders of young adult ministries from more than 60 dioceses across the country gathered in Washington May 15-17 for the National Young Adult Ministry Summit to talk about the best ways to reach out to young adults.

Archbishop: Naming Chaldean as cardinal is gift to struggling church

UPDATED - Chaldean Archbishop Yousif Thomas Mirkis of Kirkuk and Sulaimaniyah called Cardinal-designate Sako a "courageous voice."