
Baptism opens door to Holy Spirit’s action, pope says

Parents who prefer not to baptize their children in the hopes that they will "understand and ask for baptism" as adults lack faith that the Holy Spirit will act in their child's life, Pope Francis said.

Migration aid project study focuses on ‘Catholic social innovation’

A new global study conducted by FADICA examines the Catholic response to the humanitarian crisis that has forcibly displaced 65 million people worldwide, including 22.5 million refugees.

Baltimore cardinal booed, heckled at ’66 hearing for backing fair housing

For the first time in more than a half century, digitized footage of the Cardinal Lawrence J. Shehan's television appearance speaking in favor of an open housing bill is now available for viewing

Catholic priest in Congo shot dead; kidnapped priest released, unharmed

Father Emmanuel Kapitula, vicar of the parish in Kitchanga, said an armed man entered the room where Father Nsengiunva was eating with parishioners.

Repentant sinners need merciful confessors, not inquisitors, pope says

Priests must give hope to men and women seeking forgiveness, encouraging them in their struggle away from the slippery slope of sin, Pope Francis said.

Sweden’s Lutherans to allow Catholic Masses in cathedral

For the first time in 500 years, Lutherans are welcoming Catholics to celebrate Masses in a historic cathedral that had been the site of bitter religious feuding, thanks to Pope Francis' visit to Sweden in 2016.

Talk explores gift and promise in Dante’s ‘Purgatorio’

The International Institute for Culture sponsors this talk, "Hope Knows No Bounds” on the spiritual implications of the gate to Purgatory in the second part of Dante’s great poem, "La Divina Commedia."

Women’s Tea with Sarah Christmyer

Discover "The Power of Joy" with Sarah Christmyer, Co-Developer and Founding Editor of The Great Adventure Catholic Bible Study program.

Susan Brinkmann Retreat – Is Mindfulness Really Mindful? What’s the Catholic Alternative?

Is Mindfulness Really Mindful? Explore the Catholic perspective on Mindfulness by award-winning author, TV and radio host Susan Brinkmann for this compelling, thought-provoking retreat.

Fr. Larry Richards Retreat for Men

BE A MAN is the theme for this life-changing retreat for men of all ages directed by internationally recognized Fr. Larry Richards, author, radio and TV host.