
Spiritual and human care: Chaplains help Ukrainian soldiers with both

As Russia's war on Ukraine drags on and joint funerals are held for the soldiers who die, Catholic military chaplains say they still see faith, hope and humanity in the soldiers with whom they minister.

Archbishop praises Senate pact to stem ‘plague of gun violence’

After U.S. 20 senators agreed on gun safety and related measures, a key archbishop called on Congress "to continue these important efforts which will help build a culture of life."

Dominican sister working on new translation of Book of Revelation

Sister Mary Dominic Pitts of Nashville is translating all five original languages of the book -- Latin, Syriac and the three versions of the Greek New Testament -- into English, as well as write notes on grammar, words and more.

Franciscan Sister Anna Ahern dies at 91

Formerly Sister William Anne, O.S.F., she was a native of Ireland who entered religious life in 1950. In her 72 years as a sister, she ministered for 44 years in the Philadelphia Archdiocese.

Novena of Masses offered to Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Sisters of the Visitation in Philadelphia will have a novena of Masses starting Thursday, June 16 and concluding on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, June 24. Masses are at 7 p.m. each night.

Kids cook parents dinner, while learning life lessons

Some three dozen students in an archdiocesan afterschool program prepared a lavish June 10 meal for their families, while showing off their creativity and "following through with a dream."

Msgr. John O’Brien, longtime inner city pastor, dies at 89

Ordained a priest for the Philadelphia Archdiocese in 1961, the Norristown native ministered mostly in North Philadelphia parishes. He was pastor of St. Raymond Parish, where his funeral will be celebrated June 18.

New ministry center dedicated at St. Teresa Parish, Limerick

The Montgomery County parish's new center, which includes a hall plus rooms for offices, youth ministry and a food outreach, was blessed by Bishop John McIntyre June 4, joined by the pastor and parishioners.

Archdiocesan agency honored for providing ‘real alternatives’ to abortion

For the 10th year in a row, Catholic Social Services has been named Pennsylvania's top provider of pregnancy support resources, with one agency director honored for almost three decades of work as a "mother helping other mothers."

Former Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley to lead Rosemont College

Formerly the head of United Way and Temple University's development office, Cawley takes the post of interim president June 21 at the Main Line college run by the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus.