
Thousands of Philadelphia-area pro-lifers ready to march on Washington

The weather looks to be fine for the 45th annual March for Life, as Catholics from 53 locations, including high schools and colleges, will witness to the sanctity of human life. Many local events will also observe the anniversary of legalized abortion.

Good Shepherd Catholic School Open House

All are welcome to join us at our Open House and see what GSC is all about!

Archbishop brings ‘God’s love’ to mudslide victims with special Mass

One of the hardest things in the world is to keep believing in God's love when we see tragedy," Los Angeles Archbishop Jose H. Gomez said.

Pro-life rally coming to Northeast Philadelphia Jan. 21

The Sunday afternoon rally at St. Katherine of Siena Church observes the 45th anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion in America.

Reflection on Veritatis Splendor

Please join us at Holy Martyrs Parish, 120 Allison Road, Oreland,on Saturday, February 3rd, for a First Saturday Morning of Recollection Holy Mass offered at 8:30 AM, followed by a Holy Hour in the Church.

Saint Anselm School Registration Open House

Saint Anselm School will be hosting an Open House on Thursday, February 1.

Division, segregation a threat to humanity, pope tells indigenous people

Celebrating Mass in a land steeped in indigenous history and culture, Pope Francis said the greatest threat facing humanity is the stifling of differences driven by the idea that some cultures are better than others.

Lent: A Journey To Limitless Joy, An Evening with Fr. John Bartunek

On Saturday, February 10th at Saint Katharine of Siena Church in Wayne, renowned speaker and author of The Better Part, Fr. John Bartunek will provide encouraging words designed to touch the hearts of men and women preparing for the season of Lent.

In Canada, new law could mean changing route of March for Life

The new law establishes a 50-meter, no-protest zone around eight abortion facilities in Ontario and a 15-meter zone around the homes of doctors and others involved in providing abortion services.

Christians must convert to ecumenism, cardinal says

To be effective evangelizers, the Catholic Church and other Christian churches must constantly undergo their own conversion to a stronger commitment to Christian unity, said Cardinal Kurt Koch