
Zambia bans church services as cholera epidemic hits nation

The Zambian bishops' conference also has implemented measures, such as eliminating the handshake of peace in areas where Masses are still allowed.

Pope says he goes to Chile, Peru as pilgrim of Gospel joy

The pope will be in Chile Jan. 15-18, visiting the cities of Santiago, Temuco and Iquique. He then will fly to Peru and from Jan. 18-21, he will visit Lima, Puerto Maldonado and Trujillo.

What’s a nice Presbyterian doing in a Catholic convent?

Ask Sister Kimberly Kessler, who last month took perpetual vows as a Sister of the Redeemer, and she will say the yearning for God in her heart came from her Protestant parents and the witness of Catholic sisters.

In Chile and Peru, pope to see effects of Latin America’s migration

Venezuelans, Haitians, Bolivians and others are finding work, welcome and challenges in their host countries of Peru and Chile, which the pope will visit Jan. 15-21. He has urged countries to protect and integrate foreigners.

Basketball helps priests teach New Jersey students about vocations

Students at St. John Vianney High School were completely taken by surprise during a pre-Christmas pep rally when six priests ran out onto the basketball court for a friendly exhibition game -- all with the intention to teach about vocations.

Indiana ‘Dreamer’ faces family breakup if DACA is allowed to expire

Unless Congress acts on the DREAM Act by early March, the first permits for people protected under DACA will begin to run out. An estimated 1,000 Dreamers would lose their status each day.

Catholic groups decry end of immigration protection for Salvadorans

More than 200,000 Salvadorans now face the prospect of staying in the country illegally or returning to a nation designated as one of the most dangerous in the world not at war.

Federal court upholds free speech rights of Baltimore pregnancy centers

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit struck down a Baltimore ordinance that would have forced pro-life pregnancy centers in the city to post signs stating they do not provide or refer for abortions or contraceptives.

Preparing for pope, young Chileans say they’re glad he wants their views

Carolina Alfaro was recently part of a panel of young Catholics talking to the archbishop's office about their views on being a young Catholic in Chile. Pope Francis has dedicated this year's Synod of Bishops to the theme of young people.

God comes to people in the simplest guises, says new Paris archbishop

When God shows himself to people, he comes with the greatest discretion like a small child -- in a stable among animals because the world would not accept him," Archbishop Michel Aupetit said.