
Vatican clears Polish Cardinal Dziwisz of abuse cover-up

The actions of the cardinal while he was archbishop of Krakow from 2005 until his retirement in 2016 in handling cases of abuse of minors were correct, an investigating Vatican cardinal found.

Victoria’s Veselka turns anguish into action for Ukrainian refugees

Named for her late infant daughter and the Ukrainian word for "rainbow," the relief effort launched by Dr. Anna Wojciechowski shows "God's imprint on our heart."

Visit to ‘saint of the impossible’ laid his path to priesthood

Deacon Ryan Nguyen, who will be ordained a priest this May, was a pharmacist and not especially religious until by chance he visited St. Rita's Shrine in 2012, and his conversion began.

Sign of peace makes return at Masses this weekend

While always an option during the Communion Rite at Mass, the familiar handshake among worshipers was omitted during the COVID pandemic, but can return April 24-25.

Family Festival aims to build up families post-pandemic

“It’s been a rough couple of years” for families, said the organizer of the archdiocesan all-day festival April 30 featuring prayer, fun, good music and food, all to rekindle bonds between families.

Catholic school grad goes ‘back to basics’ at Little Flower HS

Assistant principal Molly Quinn comes from a family of Catholic school teachers and a lifetime of Catholic education. Now she's helping teens relearn what it means to be a student -- and to have fun along the way.

St. John’s, Manayunk sets 190th parish jubilee celebration

Marking almost two centuries as the mother church of the Manayunk area, the Philadelphia parish will host an April 30 Mass with Archbishop Perez and a dinner reception to follow in the church hall that welcomed waves of immigrant Catholics.

Vatican officials in U.S study alleged miracles in Father Tolton’s cause

Besides two possible miracles in 2016, "about 50 some testimonials of people from all over the country testifying to favors from God through (Father) Tolton's intercession" are being investigated now, said Bishop Joseph Perry.

‘I don’t see, I don’t hear’: Mexican bishop on working with crime bosses

Retired Bishop Salvador Rangel Mendoza spoke of how he worked for years with the drug cartel leaders and farmers in his diocese, achieving a measure of peace and ample criticism.

Program helps Catholic schools to ‘run like business, on a mission’

An archdiocesan initiative is training principals in core accounting and finance skills so they can balance budgets and visions for the future.