
Serve people, not ideology, pope tells Cubans at Havana Mass

HAVANA (CNS) -- As Cubans finally face the prospects of calmer relationships and greater ease of communication and commerce with the United States, Pope Francis told the Cuban people that love and service, not anyone's ideology, are the keys to their happiness.

Pope visits Fidel Castro before formal meeting with Cuba’s president

Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, said that after the Mass Sept. 20 in Havana's Revolution Square, Pope Francis was driven to the ailing 89-year-old's residence for the meeting, which lasted 30-40 minutes.

Pope urges Cuba’s youths, consecrated people to love and hope

In a hot and steamy cathedral after listening to a Daughter of Charity talk about her work with people with severe disabilities, Pope Francis set aside his prepared homily and spoke about serving those the world considers "useless."

Holguin Catholics delighted their time has come for papal visit

Popes have come and gone from Cuba, and this city of 300,000 or so always has prepared but never has been picked for a visit by a pope -- until now.

Cuban dissidents say they hope pope highlights human rights

A week before Pope Francis arrived here, the communist government agreed to pardon 3,522 prisoners, including elderly people and people under 20 with no prior offenses.

After decades of separation, Cuban-Americans return to homeland

HAVANA (CNS) — With looks of astonishment and joy, dozens of Cuban-Americans stepped off a charter flight from Miami to Havana Sept. 18 in advance of Pope Francis’ visit. For many, it was a first return to the island nation after decades of separation and distrust following the Cuban Revolution. The 2015 papal visit, along […]

U.S. diplomat tells pilgrims they can help normalize relations with Cuba

"As we all know, this visit from Pope Francis comes in the context of his role in the U.S.-Cuba rapprochement process, and obviously to reach normalization relations with Cuba it will be a long and complex role," Jeffrey DeLaurentis, a career member of the foreign service and charge d'affaires at the U.S. Embassy to Cuba, told pilgrims from the archdioceses of Boston and Miami during an evening reception Sept. 20.

Thanks to financial aid, 480 more couples to attend World Meeting

The World Meeting of Families provided scholarships to help poorer families from around the globe and the U.S. to participate in the congress that begins this week in Philadelphia.

U.S. Latinos, Latin Americans to get special welcome to world meeting

The director of the Office of Latino Ministry for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis will have a key role in welcoming to the World Meeting of Families Spanish-speaking delegates from 14 regions around the U.S. and delegates from the 21 Latin American countries.

Beer festival offers ‘peaceful resistance’ to Middle East conflicts

As Palestinians and Israelis in Jerusalem once again became embroiled in violence, locals and guests in Taybeh were enjoying ice-cold beers, grilled meats, frosted doughnuts and throbbing music as the all-Christian Palestinian village celebrated its 11th Oktoberfest.