
Faith includes recognizing one’s sinfulness, pope says

Admitting one's own sinfulness is a vital element of faith; it is as important as recognizing that Jesus is Lord, Pope Francis told the faithful attending morning Mass in his private residence recently. He urged his flock to set pride aside and admit shortcomings.

Cuban bishop: Pope’s visit comes at time of hope for people

The upcoming visit to Cuba by Pope Francis, along with renewed diplomatic relations between that nation and the United States, give the Cuban people hope for a better future. The pope will greet all aspects of Cuban society from its leaders to its young people.

Administering mercy: Facilitating forgiveness does not downplay sin

The first step, of course, is to recognize an action is a sin and confess it, expressing contrition and a willingness to do penance.

Mural of pope looks out over New York’s Madison Square Garden Mass site

New Yorkers and tourists in Midtown Manhattan have been gazing up at a smiling Pope Francis at one of New York's busiest intersections.

Just one smile from a loving family can warm coldest world, pope says

"No economic and political engineering is able to substitute this contribution from families," he said Sept. 2 during his general audience talk in St. Peter's Square.

Trip through Central Park added to pope’s New York itinerary

Pope Francis will get a glimpse of leafy Central Park and thousands of waving New Yorkers Sept. 25 when he makes "a historic procession" through the urban landmark, according to the city's mayor.

Data breach affects thousands of Catholic workers in Michigan

The attack did not affect bishops, clergy or religious, the conference said, whose pay and benefits are administered through a separate system.

Suburban Detroit pastor pleads guilty to mail fraud

"Why am I pleading guilty?" Father Belczak told U.S. District Judge Arthur J. Tarnow. "Because I am."

Hispanic Catholics mark 10 years of heritage Mass in Phila.

The annual celebration this year was held at Holy Innocents Church and included a reflection followed by the Mass with 600 from communities represented in the Archdiocese.

Papal visit and families are themes for Girl Scout’s mural

Kate Burke designed a mural for St. Ignatius Parish in Yardley, which was painted with the help of parishioners and children to mark the World Meeting of Families and Pope Francis' visit.