
Five bishops learn about refugee abuse in Malaysia

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will hear a report on human trafficking and child abuse inflicted on refugees from Myanmar and other countries.

Some say exchange of shots at border not big news in South Korea

Some South Koreans seem blase about occasional firefights across border with North Korea.

Few Catholic voices raised against massive same-sex wedding in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rican Catholics have been quite outspoken against same-sex marriage, but their voices were not as strong during or after a massive outdoor same-sex wedding ceremony supported by government.

African cardinal: Synod will be flexible with regional family situations

One of the leading voices among Africa's bishops predicts a new flexibility in Catholic teaching at this October's Synod of Bishops on the family, which he predicts will allow bishops in different parts of the world to adapt church teaching on the family to the region's culture, political landscape and economic situation.

Head of Scottish bishops apologizes to abuse victims, Catholics

The president of the Scottish bishops' conference offered a "profound apology" to victims of child abuse following a national review of church safeguarding procedures.

Building second papal altar is work of faith for deacon

A Maryland deacon who built the papal altar for Pope Benedict XVI in 2008 is reprising his role to build an altar for Pope Francis during his Mass in Washington, D.C.

Vocations in Phila. up threefold, and new program will call more

The largest incoming class of seminarians in a decade arrived this week at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, and that is before a new initiative launches in the fall to raise priestly vocations.

Pope: Keep work, prayer and time for family in balance

Work is part of the normal rhythm of life but time for rest, celebration and prayer must not be sacrificed for productivity and profit, Pope Francis said.

Los Angeles archbishop to speak on immigration at congress’ last day

Archbishop Jose Gomez is a breakout session speaker for the World Meeting of Families on Sept. 25. Another is a Muslim woman who looks at teachings on the family with an interfaith view.

Walking the rough terrain of interfaith marriage

A conservative Jewish woman speaks about the challenges of marriage in a mixed-religion home during her breakout talk at the World Meeting on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 24.