
Being a catechist is a vocation, pope says in establishing formal ministry

Calling for formal recognition of lay men and women who by their baptism work to teach the faith, Pope Francis has instituted the "ministry of catechist." In the Philadelphia Archdiocese, more than 4,000 lay persons serve as catechists.

Christian leaders in Jerusalem express concern over growing violence

The heads of Christian churches were "disheartened" as 331 Palestinians were reportedly wounded at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem during clashes with Israeli police May 10.

Vatican cautions U.S. bishops on politicians and Communion

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has urged the U.S. bishops to proceed with caution about formulating a national policy to address Catholic politicians who support legislation allowing abortion or euthanasia, saying they are not "the only grave matters" in Catholic teaching.

Changes to Clergy Office, new committee, offer priests more support

A new vicar and assistant vicar for clergy, plus the newly formed Committee for Priestly Life and Ministry, will allow the Philadelphia Archdiocese to care for active and retired priests, Archbishop Perez announced May 7.

After son’s death, couple tackles stigma surrounding suicide

Jackson Roeder died by suicide at age 25. His parents keep his memory alive and urge people "to be more accepting and talk more openly" about suicide, mental health issues and grief.

Don’t weaponize the Eucharist for political ends, bishop warns

A "national policy" of excluding pro-choice Catholic politicians from receiving holy Communion would "constitute an assault" on the Eucharist's sign of unity and charity, said San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy.

Humility, open mind needed to crack coronavirus’ secrets, expert says

Dr. Anthony Fauci told a Vatican conference May 6 that it is still unknown why COVID can kill so many people and yet also can infect many more without causing any symptoms.

Retreat for single women explores religious discernment

Open to single women discerning religious life, the virtual retreat on May 15 offers an opportunity to learn about life as a Missionary Servant of the Most Blessed Trinity.

Holy hour to pray for peace, end to pandemic

The World Apostolate of Fatima is sponsoring the holy hour on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, Friday, May 14 at St. John Cantius Church, Philadelphia.

New priest to bring spirit of adventure, model of suffering to ministry

All his life, Mark Tobin had a strong desire for a challenge. He sought adventure, found hardships as a Navy special forces fighter in Iraq and eventually had an encounter with God and a calling to be a Catholic priest.