
Moon landing inspired a country and a career in space flight

Retired Maj. Gen. Mike Wiedemer was an aerospace engineering student in 1969. After a long career in the field and now preparing to be a deacon, Wiedemer remains "a big proponent of space exploration for the benefit of mankind."

Sr. Gertrude brings God’s love from Philippines to Philadelphia

In her new position as director of the archdiocesan Office for Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees, Sister Gertrude Borres helps welcome and care for newcomers in the region from some 30 different cultures.

Touching history: Students enjoy hands-on visit to Catholic archive

The Catholic Historical Research Center of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia welcomed more than 500 Catholic middle-school students last spring for educational tours through local church history.

Bishop urges lawmakers to end ‘stranglehold’ on immigration to U.S.

Bishop Edward C. Malesic of Greensburg has called on U.S. lawmakers "to please work as hard as you can" on legislation that "releases the unnecessary stranglehold on immigration to the United States that has caused tragic and inhumane consequences."

Congolese church leaders urge international help to contain Ebola

Catholic Church representatives are urging international action to contain the often fatal disease in Congo's eastern provinces. Almost 2,500 cases have been reported in the latest outbreak.

Catholics focus on immigrant children with rally, civil disobedience

A few hundred Catholics, including dozens of women religious, gathered outside the U.S. Capitol July 18 urging politicians to stop the "inhumane treatment" of immigrant children at the border.

‘We need a habitat on the moon,’ says former NASA flight director

Upcoming space travel plans need to include living on the moon, similar to scientific habitats in the Arctic and Antarctica, said Gene Kranz, now 85, a Catholic parishioner in Texas.

Northern Irish bishops accuse Britain of hijacking bill to allow abortion

UPDATED - Abortion and same-sex marriage will be made legal in Northern Ireland -- both measures passed in the British Parliament -- unless self-government in the province is restored within three months, a process that has stalled for two years.

Archdiocese gets funding for new senior housing in South Phila.

Catholic Housing and Community Services received a $12 million state tax credit for the planned development of St. Rita Place, an affordable apartment facility for income-eligible seniors.

Syriac Christians living near border fear Turkey military incursion

Syrian Christians fear a Turkish military incursion into the area east of the Euphrates River would displace thousands of Christians who live in villages and towns along the Syrian-Turkish border.