World News

Hong Kong police detain, release 90-year-old cardinal

If convicted of colluding with foreigners, Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun faces years of imprisonment for supporting pro-democracy protests in the face of rising pressure from Chinese authorities.

Pope John Paul I echoed ‘faith of the apostles,’ pope says

In a preface to a new book of his predecessor's teachings and writings, Pope Francis wrote that the late pontiff's short pontificate remains an important example of the beauty and simplicity of faith.

Peruvian martyr who put faith in peace takes step to sainthood

Sister María Agustina Rivas Lopez, who was murdered by terrorists during Peru's political violence, was beatified May 7 during a liturgy in the same plaza where she was shot to death in 1990.

Liturgy must lead to awe, unity, mission, pope says

"It is not possible to worship God and at the same time make the liturgy a battlefield," Pope Francis told liturgists, critiquing divisions by those who wish "to go backwards and deny the Second Vatican Council."

Lack of hope must be met with listening heart, pope says

Urging Mercedarian friars to "not be afraid to be surprised" by Christ, Pope Francis said today's sense of helplessness is an chance for religious to keep an open ear to God and to the sufferings of others.

God ‘does not disown his children,’ pope tells LGBT Catholics

Jesuit Father James Martin wrote a letter to Pope Francis with three questions, which he answered briefly. Making a pretext about who is "pure," he said, "is not the Holy Mother Church, but rather a sect."

Russia’s war meant to eliminate Ukrainian people, archbishop says

The head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church said Russia's ultimate goal is to wipe out the country and its people, and Russian military tactics are following "a genocide manual."

Canadian panel urges ban of military chaplains of certain religions

An advisory panel wants to rid the Canadian Armed Forces of chaplains whose religious faiths are not seen as diverse, including "some churches' exclusion of women from their priesthoods."

German bishop suspends sainthood cause over allegations

Claims of sexual assault and abuse of power by Father Joseph Kentenich, founder of the international Schonstatt movement, were documented in 1950 but only rediscovered in 2020.

Pope offers message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations

The theme, "Called to build the human family," looks at the meaning of "vocation" within the context of "a church that listens to God and to the world."