World News

Vatican, China nearing agreement on bishops, according to reports

The deal would involve two bishops recognized by the Holy See stepping aside to make way for two bishops chosen by the government-controlled Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association; the new bishops would have to recognize the authority of the pope and ask forgiveness for having accepted ordination without papal approval.

Condemn violence, evil waged in God’s name, pope tells religious leaders

Every religious leader must unmask and condemn any attempt to use God's name to perpetuate evil and to justify hatred, violence and exploitation, Pope Francis said.

Going for God: Vatican invited to attend Olympic opening ceremony

For the first time, the International Olympic Committee has invited a Vatican delegation not only to take part in the opening ceremony of the Winter Games, but also to attend its general meeting as an official observer.

In silence and in secret, Albanian nuns left legacy from communist times

Starting in 1945, Albania was ruled by the harsh and repressive communist regime led by Enver Hoxha. The government persecuted and killed hundreds of clerics and laypeople.

Scholar urges Chinese to learn to defend against new religion regulations

Among stricter provisions are those covering official registration of places used for religious purposes, but there is some confusion about criteria to be applied.

Congolese official denies ordering police to stop cathedral Mass

Alphonse Ngoyi Kasanji, who heads the government in Kasai Oriental, challenged the clergy accusing him to provide evidence of their claims.

Reject intolerance, teach respect for other religions, speakers say

"The struggle for the affirmation of religious liberty is far from being won," Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Churches, told an audience at Rome's Pontifical Gregorian University Jan. 30.

Strains increase between Venezuelan church leaders, president

The strenuous relationship between the Venezuelan regime and local church leaders deteriorated further in January, with President Nicolas Maduro calling two bishops "devils in a cassock."

Dialogue dilemma: Vatican’s China overture sparks controversy

Vatican efforts to honor those who suffer and die for their faith while trying to negotiate with oppressive regimes to expand religious freedom have been fraught with criticism and real pain for more than 50 years.

Mexican bishops: Most churches damaged in September quakes were historic

A report from the Mexican bishops' conference has catalogued 1,850 damaged churches -- including 17 cathedrals -- due to the twin earthquakes that shook the country in September.