World News

Vatican says Dutch politician’s honor was simply diplomatic protocol

The former Dutch minister of foreign trade and development received a papal honor as a matter of diplomatic courtesy and not because of her political views, which include support for access to abortion, the Vatican press office said.

Fear becomes sin when it leads to hostility toward migrants, pope says

"The sin is to allow these fears to determine our responses, to limit our choices, to compromise respect and generosity, to feed hostility and rejection," the pope said Jan. 14, celebrating Mass for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees.

Belgian Catholics concerned about abuse of country’s euthanasia law

On Jan. 9, the Belgian church's Cathobel news agency published an article saying the Federal Euthanasia Control and Evaluation Commission violated its statutes by failing to refer suspected legal abuses for investigation.

Priest says family honor often pressures pregnant Lebanese women

Although people in the United States are preparing for the annual March for Life in Washington and other cities, no such preparations are underway in Lebanon, where abortion continues to be a taboo issue.

Trump comments ‘harsh, offensive,’ Vatican newspaper says

In the past few days, the paper reported, "the tension on the theme of immigration has risen noticeably."

Pope to visit Ukrainian Catholic basilica in Rome

The pope's Jan. 28 visit is "a sign of solidarity with the Ukrainian people, who are suffering the effects of the war" and "a manifestation of the pope's closeness to Ukrainian migrants in Italy."

Mideast leaders increase efforts to fight U.S. decision on Jerusalem

Church and political leaders in the Middle East are intensifying efforts to combat U.S. President Donald Trump's unilateral decision declaring Jerusalem as Israel's capital and plans to move the U.S. embassy there.

German bishop urges church debate on blessing same-sex unions

The vice president of the German bishops' conference said a Catholic blessing, "something not to be confused with a wedding ceremony," should be considered in the country that recently legalized gay marriage.

Pope faces challenge of restoring trust in wake of Peru, Chile scandals

UPDATED -- When Pope Francis embarks on his fourth visit to South America, he will face the enormous task of restoring trust and encouraging healing after scandals in both countries left many wounded and angry at the Catholic Church.

Canada: Groups fight policy that bases job grants on abortion support

The policy requires all applicants to the Canada Summer Jobs program to sign a statement attesting support for "safe and legal" abortion and gender identity theory.