World News

Educate students to serve the common good, Vatican urges

In a new document the Congregation for Catholic Education presented guidelines for educating students in "fraternal humanism" to be used by the 216,000 Catholic schools and their 60 million pupils around the world.

Pope says he’s worried about growing anti-migrant sentiment

Pope Francis said he is worried that even Catholics are arguing against accepting more migrants and refugees into their communities, and they often cite an ill-defined "'moral obligation' to preserve the original cultural and religious identity" of their nations.

‘Pontifical secret’ in abuse cases needs review, advisers tell pope

Vatican norms maintain the imposition of "pontifical secret" on the church's judicial handling of clerical sex abuse and other grave crimes, which means they are dealt with in strict confidentiality.

Chinese Catholics fear new regulations will further suppress activities

Tighter restrictions on religions in China would affect both underground Christian churches and open (registered) communities, which could face cash extortion demands over "unauthorized" religious venues.

Pope urges politicians to be models of service in fight against Mafia

When politics becomes all about partisan interests and secret deals, it leaves behind its true vocation and becomes susceptible to the same influences of corruption that allow the Mafia to flourish, Pope Francis said.

Vatican signs treaty to ban nuclear weapons

Archbishop Paul Gallagher, Vatican foreign minister, signed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons at the United Nations Sept. 20. More than 40 other countries signed it as well.

War robs South Sudan youths of childhood, says bishops’ leader

The war has killed thousands, displaced nearly 1 million people, ignited a man-made famine and destroyed the country's economy.

All in good time: Liturgy document unlikely to bring quick changes

The shouts of joy and cries of despair that greeted Pope Francis' recent changes to canon law regarding liturgical texts appear to be exaggerated.

Pope says church was late fighting abuse, promises ‘zero tolerance’

Having listened to abuse survivors and having made what he described as a mistake in approving a more lenient set of sanctions against an Italian priest abuser, the pope said he has decided whoever has been proven guilty of abuse has no right to an appeal, and he will never grant a papal pardon.

Bishop, Caritas staffer say situation in Mexico serious, much aid needed

"The situation is complicated, because the first earthquake (Sept. 7) had already affected thousands of people in Chiapas and Oaxaca," Alberto Arciniega, head of communications for Caritas Mexico.