World News

Catholic leaders urge prayers, unity after attacks in Spain

Although the Islamic State group claimed credit for attacks in Barcelona that killed 13, "local Muslims are just as shocked and horrified as everyone else," said the dean of the city's cathedral.

For 20 million Africans, conflict added to drought means famine

The worst food crisis in 70 years is impacting people in four African nations where church-led groups and others are providing humanitarian assistance. The crisis is made worse by ongoing wars and poor infrastructure.

Where to give: How you can help starving people most in need

Want to help organizations offering food support to people in Africa and Yemen? The following Catholic organizations in the United States and six other countries will accept donations.

In Sudan’s Nuba Mountains, no food left, and children are dying

Three-quarters of people in one region had no food in their homes and 55 percent had, in the previous 30 days, at least one member of the household go a whole day and night without eating at least once.

World governments and CRS combat threat of famine in Africa, Yemen

The United States has fully funded its pledged contributions to famine relief and budgeted more for relief in next year's federal budget. Catholic Relief Services works to deliver the food aid on the ground.

Kosovo to dedicate cathedral named for Mother Teresa

Celebrations of the neo-classical cathedral, which will be dedicated Sept. 5 on Bill Clinton Boulevard in the capital city of Pristina, will begin Aug. 26, the saint's birthday.

Blessed Oscar Romero could be declared a saint next year

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia said he hoped the Vatican would complete its review of an alleged miracle attributed to the intercession of the martyred Archbishop Romero, clearing the way for his canonization.

Catholic, Orthodox patriarchs seek help, say Mideast churches in danger

Offering "a prophetic cry," leaders called the displacement of Christians from the Middle East "a genocidal project, a humanitarian catastrophe and a plague of the earth's civilization."

Venezuelan cardinal rejects U.S. military intervention

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's push for an assembly designed to rewrite the nation's constitution has led to violent demonstrations. President Donald Trump threatened "a possible military option."

Nun known as ‘Mother Teresa of Pakistan’ to receive state funeral

The government of Pakistan will accord a state funeral to Sister Ruth Katharina Martha Pfau, a German-born member of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary who devoted her life to eradicating leprosy in Pakistan.