World News

Vatican official: Religions must promote dialogue in war-torn world

Growing tension, conflict and violence around the world challenge religious leaders to support dialogue and work together to promote universal moral values, said Archbishop Ivan Jurkovic, Vatican observer to U.N. agencies in Geneva.

First phase of Fatima visionary’s sainthood cause completed

The local Portuguese diocese finished its probe into the life of Carmelite Sister Lucia dos Santos, one of the three children who saw Our Lady of Fatima in 1917. Sister Lucia died in 2005 at age 97. Pope Francis will visit Fatima in May.

Explaining ‘Amoris,’ Vatican official sees path to sacraments for remarried Catholics

A cardinal heading the Vatican committee to interpret canon law sees a two-fold way for divorced and remarried couples to receive Communion: they must recognize their situation is sinful and desire to change it.

For members of Siervas, ministry spans service, music for the soul

The 12 women religious in the group -- The Servants in English -- have taken their inspirational music to other countries and created hits that their fans sing and carry in their hearts.

Pope praises abuse survivor for breaking silence

The church has a duty "to act with extreme severity with priests who betray their mission and with the hierarchy who protect them," the pope wrote in the preface to a new book written by a man raped as a child by a Capuchin priest.

Council of Cardinals publicly expresses support of pope

After a handful of public challenges to Pope Francis' teaching and authority, the members of the pope's international Council of Cardinals began their February meeting expressing their "full support" for his work.

Jealousy threatens fellowship in families, among clergy, pope says

The biblical story of Cain murdering his brother Abel is a cautionary tale on the consequences of allowing bitterness to persist in one's life, the pope said.

Be Christians of substance, not appearance, pope says at Angelus

"May the Virgin Mary, woman of docile listening and joyful obedience, help us to approach the Gospel not just having a Christian 'facade,' but being Christian in substance," he said.

Pope names envoy to study pastoral care of faithful in Medjugorje

Archbishop Henryk Hoser's assignment has "an exclusively pastoral character," the Vatican said, making it clear his task is separate from the work of a commission set up in 2010.

Church in North Africa hosting migrants from south, seeks support

Tthe Regional Bishops' Conference of North Africa said Catholic communities in the Maghreb had taken in sick migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, as well as single mothers, unaccompanied children, uprooted students and those in prison.