Photo features

Prayer service gathers faithful to remember Rev. Dr. King

Archbishop Charles Chaput led the 31st annual Commemorative Prayer Service in honor of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Sunday, Jan. 19 at St. Malachy Church in North Philadelphia.

PREP teachers receive special awards

See our photo gallery of parish religious educators in the Philadelphia Archdiocese receiving awards for their years of service during a ceremony and Mass led by Archbishop Charles Chaput Jan. 11 at the Cathedral. (Photos by Sarah Webb)

Ceremony honors Civil War vets at St. Anne Cemetery

See our photo gallery of St. Anne's Cemetery, which includes 53 veterans of the American Civil War. Wreaths honoring the soldiers were laid during a recent ceremony at the parish cemetery in Port Richmond.

Seminary exhibits creches from around the world

More than 50 international Christmas crèches are on display in the Ryan Memorial Library at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood through Feb. 1. The exhibit is free and open to the public.

Archbishop’s Christmas party brings joy to 400 needy children

About 400 children served by Catholic Social Services throughout the year -- representing thousands more throughout southeastern Pennsylvania -- enjoyed themselves at the 57th annual Archbishop's Christmas Benefit for Children Dec. 19 at the Sheraton hotel in Philadelphia.

Sacred music of the season fills local churches

St. Anne Parish in Philadelphia and St. Hilary of Poitiers Parish in Rydal celebrated the joyful sounds of Christmas in concerts at their respective churches last week.

Mass in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Worshipers filled the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul for the vigil Mass of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Thursday, Dec. 11. See our photo gallery from the celebration.

A look into a Catholic Social Services food cupboard

See our photo gallery of the Montgomery County Family Services Center, based in Norristown, whose food cupboard distributes perishable and non-perishable foods to thousands of families in need each month.

Women gather to pray, learn, celebrate

See our photo gallery from the Catholic Women’s Conference held Dec. 7 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

Youth serve the church at Epiphany of Our Lord

See a photo gallery of Joyful Noise and active Catholic teens serving at Epiphany of Our Lord Church in Plymouth Meeting.