
Volunteer, and find your mission in real life

Although many volunteer programs for short- or long-term missions are geared to young adults, others seek older adults with professional skills and longer life experience. Some accept entire families.

‘Forgetful Christians’ miss out on encountering Jesus, pope says

The memory of the saving power of Christ is what gives life flavor and is a source of strength for Christians, Pope Francis said.

Readings of the Holy Mass – Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with these resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

Through Christ’s body and blood, we are nourished for covenant life

The Eucharist unites us to Jesus' sacrifice, the perfect offering that sanctifies humanity itself, writes Msgr. Joseph Prior. Christ, present to both our senses and our faith, strengthens us in love and mercy.

Increasing Mass attendance in an era of religious decline

With fewer people coming to church, parishes are asking how to transform empty pews into full houses of worship. Our partner Catholic News Service looks at the statistics, and offers suggestions for rekindling liturgical participation.

War, hunger, ‘cultural colonization’ are forms of persecution, pope says

Persecution is the work of the devil, and while anti-Christian persecution is evident in many parts of the world, the devil also is attacking the image and likeness of God present in many other people as well, Pope Francis said.

Mass attendance is down again — but among whom?

An ongoing Gallup poll has long tracked the decline, which is more complex than mere numbers suggest. However, the solution is relatively straightforward, if we choose to live out our calling as Catholics.

Some parishes across U.S. show growth, enthusiasm among members

Despite a national decline in Mass attendance, several growing congregations offer both hope and insight for evangelization.

How to increase Mass attendance

While the reasons people do (or don't) come to church aren't always clear, parishes can take practical steps to make Sunday liturgies more inviting.

Holiness means living with hope, not doing extraordinary things

While the call to live like a Christian is "the same as saying to live 'like a saint,'" it does not mean "having a face like on a prayer card," the pope said.