Youth & Young Adults
Lenten advice for teens
In addition to prayer, fasting and almsgiving, Maria-Pia Negro Chin offers youth several suggestions for drawing closer to God during Lent. At the top of the list is a reminder that your worth comes from God, and that you don't have to have all of life's answers.
Catholic youth learn significance of ashes in fiery Lenten tradition
By involving children in the process of creating these ashes, the staff of St. Bartholomew hoped the young people would better understand the rich symbolism contained in the tradition.
Lent in the words of teens
Several students at Conwell-Egan Catholic High School will look to prayer, self-examination and spiritual reading as ways of growing closer to Christ during this 40-day season.
What I learned about the world at World Youth Day
Seventh grader Susanna Coyle of Willow Grove will never forget her pilgrimage, with thousands of other young people, in Panama last January. She shared her faith and had fun with Catholics from around the world.
Losing my religion
Growing up a cradle Catholic, Abbey reaches out to God for the first time.
I hate God
Dealing with the reality of his father's drug addiction, Jacob tries to find meaning in suffering. He learns how to love the thing he wish hadn't happened, and found God was present and working all the time.
A voice like Fergie and Jesus
After losing the ability to sing, Megan struggles to find her true identity. If the question of who you are and what you do comes up for you, she wants to hear from you.
After the synod on youth, be present
Young people matter, and their presence in the church is critical -- for the good of them and the church. That's what gives synod participant Katie Prejean McGrady hope, despite some cynical commentaries.
Final thoughts on the eve of youth synod
If the synod fathers don't lose focus and succumb to ecclesial infighting, they might not fumble a big opportunity to address often-overlooked young people, who are critical for the church's future.
Anthem Oktoberfest 2018!
Oktoberfest is an event you do not want to miss.