Vulnerable women, kids benefit from #GivingTuesday

Mercy Hospice, which supports women in recovery and their children, will benefit from this year's annual donation campaign, with funds providing basic necessities and transformative life skills.

Coat drive warms hearts and homes

At the sixth annual Operation Bundle Up on Nov. 30, archdiocesan Catholic Social Services wrapped more than 500 kids and adults in winter gear, while connecting families with needed resources.

Beloved saint lives in his ‘good children’ and those who care for them

St. Luigi Guanella, a 19th-century advocate for those with intellectual disabilities, was honored at an Oct. 24 Mass attended by some 400 members of the archdiocesan Don Guanella-Divine Providence Communities, which provide a continuum of care for adults with special needs.

Diaper drive keeps babies (and families) covered

To mark Respect Life Month, archdiocesan Catholic Social Services has launched an online campaign to provide area infants with a basic necessity that's breaking the budget of many low-income families.

Community garden sprouts in Bensalem, celebrates first harvest

The Fatima Community Garden marked its opening season with a new gazebo and a bumper crop of support from members and benefactors, who have sown both seeds and prayer into rich soil.

Capuchins, Catholic Social Services shower new moms with support

The friars teamed up with the Archdiocese at a Sept. 13 gathering that combined practical assistance with a sense of community, following the example of St. Francis.

Kids saddle up for safety with help from Philly police

At an Aug. 2 "bike rodeo" hosted by Catholic Social Services, officers helped some 50 kids learn the rules of the road, while getting ready for a new school year.

Pen pals young and old glimpse world through ‘different eyes’

A letter-writing exchange between seniors and students at St. Helena's Out of School Time program opens minds to new horizons -- including such concepts as the Fortnite video game and life without electricity.

Two weeks at the border opened her eyes to humanity

Mary Bell of St. Raymond of Penafort Parish shares her recent experiences while helping migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. Scared, tired and hungry, they seek "the same things you and I want in life," she said.

Inspired by her faith, attorney serves as guide on path to citizenship

Since 2015, Catherine Baggiano of Catholic Social Services' immigration agency has helped some 350 individuals become U.S. citizens -- a mission driven by her deeply held Catholic beliefs.