World News

Pope Francis: Mr. Trump, don’t build that wall

On his flight back to Rome, the pope said Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's plan to build a wall on the U.S./Mexico border to keep people out is not Christian. And he said popes and priests need healthy friendships with women.

Transcript of press conference with Pope Francis

See the English translation of the pope's responses to 12 questions by journalists aboard the flight to Rome from Mexico, where the pope completed his apostolic visit Feb. 17.

In silence, pope remembers those who cross Mexican-U.S. border

The pope said nothing Feb. 17, but he clasped his hands tightly in prayer and bowed his head in silent prayer. He left a bunch of flowers on a table in front of the cross.

Panel urges deep look at ‘moral implications’ of immigration

Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said during a talk on immigration that people crossing the border are human beings who need to be treated with respect, compassion and dignity.

Immigration case a blessing in disguise that highlights migration issues

With Pope Francis' visit Ciudad Juarez -- Mexico's fifth-largest city and the most populous on the country's northern border -- the issues of migration, and most importantly, of migrants, are at the forefront.

Pope decries death and exploitation at U.S.-Mexico border

Pope Francis pleaded for the plight of immigrants while warning those refusing to offer shelter and passage that their inhospitable attitudes were bringing about self-destruction as their hearts hardened and they "lost their sensitivity to pain."

Vatican invites head of al-Azhar to meet with pope to restart dialogue

A decades-old dialogue between al-Azhar and the Vatican started to fray in 2006, after now-retired Pope Benedict XVI gave a speech in Regensburg, Germany. Al-Azhar officials and millions of Muslims said the speech linked Islam to violence.

Young Caritas volunteer killed in shelling of Aleppo, Syria

Elias Abiad, 22, who had been volunteering for the church agency since 2014, was hit by mortar shells Feb. 13 in Aleppo, reported Fides, news agency of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

Of Lenten films, and faith where it’s least expected

Archbishop Chaput, a lifelong movie fan, points out four new films and one older one, "The Passion of the Christ," to reflect on during Lent. He also writes that what we see on the surface of other people, or on the screen, is only a fraction of who they really are.

All things speak of God: Spirituality in our time

It's hard to describe precisely Christian spirituality, even though many people talk about it. Two writers -- Jesuit Father James Martin and Pope Francis -- explain facets of God's relationship with us.