
Two Gospels of Palm Sunday show joy, sadness and ultimately, triumph

The selections from the Gospels used in the Passion Sunday liturgy describe fickle crowds, the crucifixion of Jesus and its aftermath -- a torn sanctuary veil. Msgr. Joseph Prior unpacks this rich symbol and the meaning of Holy Week.

Riches don’t make you evil, it’s how you manage them

A reader asks Father Ken Doyle if a rich person is going to go to hell. He explains that with riches -- both of individuals and of the Catholic community -- comes the moral duty to help those who are needy.

‘Progress of Peoples’ is as pertinent now as ever

Issues such as nationalism, borders, globalization, isolation, economics and racial strife can gain wisdom from Blessed Paul VI's social encyclical "Populorum Progressio," issued 50 years ago last week. See our series.

Fifty years after ‘Populorum Progressio,’ there’s still work to do

Until human flourishing and dignity become the benchmarks of human enterprise, human ills won't be resolved, writes Norbertine Father Graham Golden. In a divided world 50 years later, the encyclical is more pertinent than ever.

Social ills are caused by ‘weakening of brotherly ties,’ pope wrote in ’67

Some world leaders might today shake their heads at Paul VI's challenge: "Knowing that development means peace these days, what man would not want to work for it with every ounce of his strength? No one, of course."

Pope Paul saw the world ahead, and how to live justly in it

Blessed Paul VI focused on the changes happening at the end of colonialism and the spread of industrialization. His solution to social inequalities and his call for all people to work for justice is needed as much now as in 1967.

In raising Lazarus from the dead, Jesus prepares us for his own resurrection

In his commentary on the Mass for Fifth Sunday of Lent, Msgr. Joseph Prior shows how Jesus enters fully into our sorrow over death, while foreshadowing his own glorious resurrection by raising Lazarus from the dead.

Readings of the holy Mass – Fifth Sunday of Lent

Read or listen to the readings before Mass with the resources below from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, using the New American Bible, Revised Edition.

During Lent, ask God why he weeps, pope suggests

Lent is a time for Christians to reflect on the ways they have disappointed God and resolve to return to him with their whole hearts, Pope Francis said.

The differences and distinctions of the Byzantine Catholic Church

Father Ken Doyle assures a reader that it's OK to take holy Communion in a Byzantine church -- don't let the spoon touch your mouth -- and other interesting facts about this Eastern rite of the Catholic Church.