Calendar of Events
Lecturer traces Catholic family’s entanglements with racism
The annual spring lecture of the American Catholic Historical Society titled "Undoing the Knots: Five Generations of American Catholic Anti-Blackness" will take place Tuesday, April 19, led by professor Maureen O’Connell.
Tenebrae service of darkness, light coming to St. Joseph Church
The parish in Aston, Delaware County presents an evening service with medieval roots consisting of spiritual readings and songs, in which candles are gradually extinguished before welcoming the light of Christ and his resurrection.
Holy Martyrs Parish holds Soup Supper April 7
The Lenten meal hosted by the Catholic parish in Oreland, Montgomery County will benefit the Patrician Society, which serves the needy in the Norristown area with food and other aid.
Ancient Holy Week service, Tenebrae, coming to St. Katharine Church
On Palm Sunday evening, the Northeast Philadelphia church will host the service characterized by Scripture readings and the gradual extinguishing of candles, symbolizing the journey with Jesus toward his passion and death.
Mass and Charismatic prayer set for March 31 at Wayne church
St. Katharine of Siena Church will host the Mass with a healing service, baptism in the Holy Spirit and live music on Thursday night at 7 p.m. Father Ray Emmons, celebrant, and prayer teams will pray for anyone's special intentions.
Talk on Shroud of Turin comes to Bucks County church
St. Bede Parish in Holland, Bucks County will offer a presentation on the holy shroud by a noted expert on Saturday, April 2 at 10 a.m.
Healing relationships is topic of April 2 retreat
The Oblate Fathers present a Saturday morning retreat at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Glen Mills based upon the humble and gentle spirituality of St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal.
Marriage Enrichment Day set for April 2
The day-long Saturday event for all married engaged couples will feature dynamic speakers, food and fellowship, and evening Mass with Bishop John McIntyre.
St. Laurence School sets gala for March 27
The celebration begins with Mass in the parish church followed by a banquet reception at the Drexelbrook. The honorees include Dominic Frederico, Joe Holden, Frank Huf and the St. Vincent De Paul Society.
All invited to Mass of Thanksgiving for Catholic Charities Appeal
Archbishop Perez will celebrate a special Mass at the cathedral March 21 to which everyone is invited in thanks for supporting the Catholic Charities Appeal's vital mission, for their commitment to it and to the Catholic faith.