Local News

Hispanic Heritage Mass reflects ‘different countries, one family’

Some 300 Spanish-speaking Catholics from 40 parishes and worship sites gathered for the annual liturgy. More than 20 lay faithful also received certificates in church ministry from the Hispanic Catholic Institute.

Two South Phila. parishes have big reasons to celebrate

Catholic faith and camaraderie were in the air Oct. 6 as St. Paul Parish blessed its new social hall at St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi Church while a few blocks away, St. Nicholas Parish celebrated its annual Italian Festival.

Diaper drive keeps babies (and families) covered

To mark Respect Life Month, archdiocesan Catholic Social Services has launched an online campaign to provide area infants with a basic necessity that's breaking the budget of many low-income families.

Ukrainian Catholic bishops in U.S. begin outreach for priest candidates

Leaders of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States have appealed to seminarians to identify candidates for the priesthood who can be "true missionaries and pastors."

African Catholics from 21 nations pray, celebrate in Phila.

Hundreds gathered for the multilingual and multicultural African Heritage Mass Sunday, Oct. 6 at St. Raymond Church. They later shared the distinctive foods from their homeland at festive meal.

Safe injection sites ‘form of euthanasia,’ says priest in addiction ministry

Father Douglas McKay, who has spent some 50 years helping those who struggle with substance abuse, says Philadelphia's planned facility "dehumanizes and demoralizes" those in addiction.

Community garden sprouts in Bensalem, celebrates first harvest

The Fatima Community Garden marked its opening season with a new gazebo and a bumper crop of support from members and benefactors, who have sown both seeds and prayer into rich soil.

Amid conflict and pessimism, St. Rita shrine offers ‘impossible hope’

Through retreats, youth outreach and even a few contests, the South Philadelphia site (devoted to a patron of difficult situations) is bringing a message of peace, forgiveness and patient suffering to the faithful of all ages.

Fewer in number, Father and Sister can’t minister alone

An analysis of the number of priests in the Philadelphia Archdiocese over the past 50 years and projections for the next 20 years shows marked decline in numbers available for ministry, and the need for greater participation by lay people.

Catholic school teachers need not burn out, become cynical, says author

Education is a divine calling that only the Lord himself can sustain, author Jonathan Doyle reminded some 2,000 Catholic school educators during an Oct. 2 professional day held at two area high schools. Teachers need to "get to the end of themselves" and rely on God.