Local News

Four women profess final vows as Sisters of Mercy

A lawyer, a nurse, a school president and a development consultant all made perpetual pledges to serve the most vulnerable during a June 8 Mass celebrated at the Convent of Mercy in Merion.

Nation-building immigrants from Africa find mentors here

A conference run by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia paired young adults from several African countries with established professionals in the region, forging networks and communities that strengthen America.

‘Filled with the Spirit,’ 7 men ordained for ministry as deacons

Just as there were seven men ordained by the apostles to serve the needs of the church, so Archbishop Charles Chaput ordained new permanent deacons in the presence of their wives June 8 at the cathedral.

Archbishop Chaput announces clerical changes

See the assignments for seven newly ordained permanent deacons, six retired deacons plus changes in assignment for priests of the Philadelphia Archdiocese.

Catholic Charismatics keep fire of faith burning in archdiocese

On the cusp of Pentecost this weekend, CatholicPhilly.com spoke with local leaders of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal on how members of the 50-year-old movement surrender to the Holy Spirit with joy.

Thousands witness enthronement of new Ukrainian archbishop in Phila.

In a liturgy June 4 at the packed Ukrainian Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and with 2,500 watching outside, Metropolitan Archbishop Borys Gudziak, 56, became the head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States.

Archdiocesan employee honored by Philadelphia Police

Bonney Dahlgren DosSantos, who directs the St. Monica Eldercare Program, was recognized at a May 30 gathering for making life better for South Philly seniors. The parish-based program is part of Catholic Housing and Community Services, which broadly supports older adults.

St. Gabriel’s keeps marriage all in the (parish) family

Rashidah Anderson and Roger Frisario tied the knot in the presence of their pastor and parishioners of St. Gabriel Parish in Philadelphia. “That’s the way church should be,” said a parishioner at the parish reception.

Archdiocese pays $19 million+ so far in sex abuse reparations

More than $19.6 million has been paid to 93 people making a claim for compensation due to clergy sexual abuse under the Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program, it was announced June 3.

Laity can lead the way in renewing the church, speaker says

Prayer, redemptive suffering and a deeper understanding of the laity's role can radically heal the wounds of the clerical abuse scandal, says Meghan Cokeley, director of the Archdiocese's Office for the New Evangelization.