Local News

That all may be one, at least in Bensalem

A Unification Mass last Sunday at St. Charles Borromeo Church celebrated the coming together of the parish with the people of the newly merged Our Lady of Fatima and its many Spanish-speaking faithful. The well-attended Mass was seen as a homecoming.

Questioned about beating, Archbishop Wood coach quits

An assistant basketball coach at Archbishop Wood High School has resigned his position after he was implicated Sept. 18 in the brutal beating of two men a week ago in center city Philadelphia. Archbishop Chaput deplored the attack in a statement.

Seven clergy assignment changes announced

Archbishop Charles Chaput made the following changes in assignments for priests and deacons in the Philadelphia Archdiocese.

Sisters celebrate religious lives of adventure in service

Sister Rosemary Herron and Sister Rose Bernadette Mulligan reflect on a church culture that is different from that of years ago. As young women they didn’t know what they wanted to do, but found the religious life enjoyable.

From a far off land, they’re coming to Overbrook

Two young men have traveled 8,000 miles from Sri Lanka to study theology at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, where they've been welcomed as brothers. They will return to minister at home, and all the seminarians will have learned about another culture.

New Jersey nun a step closer to sainthood

All Catholics are invited to the beatification of Sister Miriam Teresa Demanovich in Newark, N.J., and to learn about her mystical writings before she died at age 26. Her intercession with God is attributed to the miraculous cure of a blind boy in 1963.

Bishop McDevitt HS agrees to pact with Arcadia U

The archdiocesan high school and the secular university, located about a block from each other in eastern Montgomery County, signed a 40-year agreement to share athletic fields and offer dual enrollment to McDevitt students.

Families’ meeting coming alive with sacred image and prayer

With the 2015 World Meeting of Families a little more than a year away, Archbishop Chaput heightened the excitement Sunday by unveiling a special painting and official prayer for the meeting, and sending 30 people to drum up support in parishes.

Collection for Iraqi Christians to be taken in parishes

Catholics will have an opportunity to contribute to the relief of Christians in Iraq as parishes in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are invited to take up a special collection for the effort at Masses in the next few weeks.

New art, in old style, for new church

The two-year-old Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Church has installed new Italian-made mosaics on its exterior. Bishop Daniel Thomas blessed the mosaics with the Limerick parish’s leaders and faithful.