National News
Xavier U among Black colleges receiving bomb threats
The Louisiana university founded by St. Katharine Drexel held classes virtually Feb. 1 after it and 12 other historically Black colleges and universities were threatened. It was Xavier's second bomb threat in less than a month.
Support grows for school choice in Chicago
Donations for tax-credit aid to the Archdiocese of Chicago's Catholic schools are up about 20% this year. Illinois taxpayers may take 75% of their donation to a scholarship organization as a deduction on their state tax bill.
Catholic health group supports federal health care expansion plan
Catholic Health Association officials said the organization supports provisions in the President Joe Biden's Build Back Better Act that would expand health care access and affordability, and reduce disparities.
Native Americans’ economic status like rigged Monopoly game, experts say
American Indians face a game where all the properties are taken, and they have little money to play because three out of eight Native peoples live below the poverty line, said participants at the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering.
All urged to pray, work for ‘a post-Roe America’ that cherishes human life
If the decision legalizing abortion is overturned, the U.S. may recognize the family "as the true foundation of a just and prosperous society," said Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez, echoing prelates across the country.
Families of fallen Baltimore firefighters see support of archdiocese
The Archdiocese of Baltimore offered funeral aid and prayers Jan. 25 to the families of three firefighters killed and one injured a day earlier fighting a fire in a vacant home in the city.
U.S. bishop urges dialogue to ‘peacefully resolve’ Ukraine crisis
"In this time of fear and uncertainty, we stand in solidarity with the church in Ukraine and offer our support," said Bishop David Malloy. "We call on all the faithful and people of goodwill to pray for the people of Ukraine, especially on Jan. 26.
Progress made on abuse, but much yet to be done, say experts
Investigators of past abuse, relatives of victims and those who counsel survivors joined a webinar, "Listening to the Voices of Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse," to trace response efforts to the clergy sexual abuse crisis in the U.S. and abroad.
Women’s voices needed on abuse crisis, panelists say
Catholic women leaders on a on clergy sex abuse webinar shared their views on what might have been different in the church's response to the abuse crisis if women had "been given a seat at the table earlier in this process."
Rally speakers confident about abortion law changes but see work ahead
Speakers at a rally for the March for Life Jan. 21 commended the dedication of thousands gathering for the event each year to protest the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion.