National News

Pa. religious sisters take gas pipeline fight to U.S. Supreme Court

The Adorers of the Blood of Christ have asked the high court to decide whether their religious freedom rights were violated by the construction and pending use of a natural gas pipeline through its land.

Nuns on the Bus 21-state tour stirs support for ‘responsible programs’

Beginning in Santa Monica, California, the tour was to wind through 21 states before ending near President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, Nov. 2.

Religion-reporting do’s and don’ts unveiled for U.S. TV, radio stations

The National Association of Broadcasters has issued a "Reporting on Religion Toolkit" to aid local broadcast stations in how to get the story right.

God’s love ‘real, profound’ and can change your life, speaker tells youth

Keynote speakers at annual Rekindle event for teens in the Diocese of Sioux City emphasized God's love to those in attendance, something that seems to be lost on today's young people.

‘Ugly cancer of racism’ infects U.S., bishops say in proposed pastoral

The proposed statement, "Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love -- A Pastoral Letter Against Racism," is expected to be considered for approval during the bishops' Nov. 12-14 meeting in Baltimore.

Smith dinner’s tone lighthearted, but abuse crisis not ignored in remarks

The Al Smith dinner honors the memory of the former governor of New York, who was the first Catholic nominated by a major political party to run for president of the United States. Proceeds from the $3,000-a-plate event help needy children in the greater New York area.

Election guides and helping voters form conscience before casting ballot

"Faithful Citizenship" and "For the Health of the Nation" are both meant to provide a moral framework voters can use to analyze the issues.

All six dioceses in Illinois sued over clergy sexual abuse allegations

An attorney and three others who said they were sexually abused by priests filed a suit that did not seek damages but instead wants the state's dioceses to release all of their records on abusive priests.

March for Life in January will emphasize ‘pro-life is pro-science’

The Jan. 18, 2019 annual rally in Washington will stress that science proves life begins at conception, and research should focus on adult stem cells, not those taken from aborted babies.

As number of U.S. women religious decline, they look to future

Data show 300 women's religious institutes will likely phase out of existence in the next decade. The number of sisters has declined by 75 percent since 1965 with no change in the trend expected.