National News
Virginia bishop mourns loss of life in shooting, decries ongoing violence
The Catholic bishop of Richmond decried the Nov. 13 fatal shooting of three football players at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, urging everyone to pray for the victims, their families and the entire university community.
After abortion vote, Michigan prelate says church must help women even more
In a letter to the faithful, Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron of Detroit said he grieved with those who have spent months praying, fasting and advocating against Proposal 3 for the "millions of lives" that are now at stake because of the ballot proposal's passage Nov. 8.
New Ascension yearlong podcast starts Jan. 1, will present entire catechism
Over the course of 365 daily podcast episodes, Father Mike Schmitz will read the entire catechism.
Fordham report finds poverty growing globally, reversing recent gains
Declining access to food, greater discrimination against women and widening restrictions on religious freedom have contributed to a higher rate of poverty worldwide, said a new report issued by a Fordham University program.
Steubenville bishop says proposed merger needs more diocesan discussion
The proposed merger of the two dioceses has been prompted by factors such as aging and fewer priests, a decline in baptisms and first Communions, as well as the diocese seeing a decreasing number of Catholics.
Iowa priest who helps Latinos find their voice will receive CCHD award
Over the past four years, Father Treviño, the son of Mexican immigrants, has cemented close relationships with the parishioners in both communities, where the majority or residents are Latino and many work in the agricultural and meatpacking industries.
Commissioning of ferry boat recalls Dorothy Day’s legacy of peace, justice
Martha Hennessy, granddaughter of Dorothy Day, said her grandmother "loved the Staten Island Ferry, so what an honor to have one named after her."
U.S. bishops launch new approach to teaching the faith
Catholic church leaders are taking a new approach to passing on the faith, saying they recognize a pressing need to do this in a way that adapts to the modern world.
Priest from Buffalo is on slow path to sainthood
Father Baker, who served at St. Joseph's Cathedral in Buffalo after his ordination in 1876, was beloved in his lifetime for his charitable efforts for the poor, including serving thousands of meals during the Great Depression.
Bishops urge Congress to be in ‘radical solidarity’ with mothers, children
The measures proposed by the chairmen of four U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' committees detail a "vision for an authentically life-affirming society."