National News

Wyoming bishop orders new investigation into claims against Bishop Hart

Bishop Steven R. Biegler of Cheyenne said he will continue restrictions placed on the public ministry of retired Bishop Joseph H. Hart of Cheyenne because of the results of new investigation into previous abuse allegations made against the prelate.

At Texas center, bishops join in a warm welcome for recent arrivals

After walking from Honduras to Texas en route to Philadelphia, a father and his daughter were grateful for the kindness of a group of bishops, including the bishop of Scranton, who said the immigrants were driven by “the most basic instinct to protect your family.”

Catholics mobilize at border and around U.S. to help separated families

From coast to coast, Catholics and the organizations they staff or support, have been among some of the most public and vociferous voices around the country in defense of immigrants.

Another busy year ends for Supreme Court with all eyes on next term

Before all attention shifts to the next session, there is still plenty to review from the court's term that just ended -- a busy nine months with more than 75 cases argued, and decided on, by the court.

Near immigration’s ground zero, bishops begin border trip with Mass

On Sunday a delegation of Catholic bishops from around the country celebrated Mass in Texas near the southern border to meet with those affected by the government practice of separating immigrant parents from their children.

Catholics remember, mourn victims killed in Maryland newspaper shooting

A 38-year-old gunman using a shotgun blasted his way into the newsroom in what police said was a targeted attack against the publication.

Inspired by regional encuentro, Hispanic leaders ready to evangelize

The U.S. church's national encuentro call to Hispanic Catholics to go out to the peripheries and encounter others has energized the country's dioceses, Auxiliary Bishop Octavio Cisneros told delegates at the Region II encuentro.

A tale of two farm bills: House, Senate versions to be hashed out

It's going to take a House-Senate conference committee to reconcile what is turning out to be considerably different versions of the farm bill.

Florist’s same-sex wedding case sent back to lower court for review

The Supreme Court's order removed the judgment against her and told the Washington Supreme Court to review the case in light of Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.

Republicans help bring down party’s ‘compromise’ immigration bill

GOP members failed to advance a bill on immigration, unable to get enough votes from their own party to back it, amid public outcry over family separation at the border and other immigration issues.