National News

Pope names French bishop as new nuncio to the United States

Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Christophe Pierre, papal nuncio to Mexico since 2007 and a Vatican diplomat for more than 20 years, as the pope's personal representative in America.

Little Sisters earn praise for ‘courageous witness’ in mandate fight

A standing ovation at Notre Dame U greeted the Little Sisters of the Poor, whose lawsuit opposes the federal mandate that requires religious employers to offer employee health insurance that covers contraceptives.

Detroit’s archbishop, imam decry terrorism, pledge to work together

Archbishop Allen Vigneron's visit to the Islamic House of Wisdom came at the invitation of Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi. In matters of religious liberty, "We need to stand together as witnesses today," the archbishop said.

Religion must be key part of foreign policy, says Madeleine Albright

"There are some who might want to engage in such a bridge-building effort without bringing religion into the conversation -- to them I say, 'Good luck,'" she added.

Cupich: Pope has ‘intuition about where people live their actual lives’

It does not offer any new rules or norms. Rather, Pope Francis urges careful reflection on ministry to families and, especially, greater consideration in the language and attitude used when working with those who do not fully live church teaching.

Struggling families should feel embrace of the church, observers say

Catholic leaders in the United States saw Pope Francis' new document on the family as a "love letter to families" as well as a "raw appreciation for how bad the situation can be on the ground."

Agencies scramble to curb explosion in U.S. opiate use

Four in five new heroin users started out misusing prescription painkillers, and three times as many people are addicted to them than heroin, resulting in more opiate overdose deaths than heroin.

For Catholic astronauts, flying to space doesn’t mean giving up the faith

Under a special arrangement, a rookie astronaut carried a pyx with six consecrated hosts broken into four pieces, enough for him to take Communion once a week for the 24 weeks he was aboard the space station.

A ministry of mercy tackles suicide epidemic on Lakota reservation

In 2007 -- at the height of an ongoing suicide epidemic -- the number of deaths by suicide on Rosebud was roughly 13 times the national average, making it, according to one report, the highest in the world.

Villanova basketball team’s strength is its humility, chaplain says

Father Hagan, associate athletics director at Villanova University, had a front-row seat to the historic game on the Villanova Wildcats' bench.