National News

Bishops focus on religious liberty, election document, upcoming synod

NEW ORLEANS (CNS) -- During their June 11-13 spring general assembly in New Orleans, the nation's Catholic bishops voted to extend their Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty and to approve work on a limited revision of their quadrennial document aimed at guiding Catholics in election decisions.

Head of U.S. bishops invites Pope Francis to Philadelphia

The bishops, gathered for a meeting in New Orleans, applauded a letter read by Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, inviting the pope to the World Meeting of Families in 2015.

Archbishop Chaput invites all U.S. bishops for World Meeting of Families

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput made the following remarks today to fellow bishops -- who he invited to Philadelphia along with the families of their dioceses -- gathered in New Orleans for the spring meeting of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Couples from different churches say they are models for Christian unity

FAIRFIELD, Conn. (CNS) -- "None of us set out to do this: We fell in love," and had to figure out how each could be true to who they were while loving and respecting the other, said a Catholic man who along with his Anglican wife spoke at a conference on ecumenism.

Marriage annulments now free in Cleveland Diocese

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Cleveland Bishop Richard G. Lennon announced June 4 that all fees in marriage annulment cases were eliminated. He hoped the change will encourage people in irregular marriages, especially those who have been divorced and remarried, to participate more in church life.

High court upholds ‘back of the line’ policy for some visa applicants

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Children of immigrants who "age out" while waiting with their parents for a visa to be admitted to the U.S. will have to start over again in a new line when they turn 21, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled June 9.

Group urges allowing Eastern Catholic married priests in North America

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation voted in early June to encourage the "lifting of the restrictions regarding the ordination of married men to the priesthood in the Eastern Catholic Churches of North America."

FEMA takes on child migrants ‘crisis’

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- There are so many children and young teens from Central America trying to get into the United States on their own that the Federal Emergency Management Agency has been asked to deal with the situation as a crisis. Many of the young people may be fleeing violence in their home countries of Central America.

Campaign for debt relief gains momentum, allies in the Vatican

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Representatives of Jubilee USA Network discussed the need for debt relief for poor countries and international financial reform May 21 with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, and Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.

Advocates pressing Congress on immigration as time runs out

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Advocates for comprehensive immigration reform are reminding members of Congress that they will be held accountable at the polls if they fail before their summer recess to pass a bill that fixes the system.