
Canon lawyers explain how Vatican abuse trials function

UPDATED - A canonical trial at the Vatican differs in many ways from criminal trials in the United States.

Caritas project seeks to end hunger in South Asia

Caritas India introduced the program in collaboration with its international partners to help farmers adapt methods to cope with erratic climate conditions.

Metuchen bishop ‘saddened and ashamed’ by Archbishop McCarrick case

He was referring to allegations of abuse and sexual misconduct lodged at Archbishop Theodore E. McCarrick, a former cardinal and retired archbishop of Washington, who was named the first bishop of the newly created Metuchen Diocese in 1981.

Peace activists’ prayer service marks Nagasaki, Hiroshima anniversary

At the rally, which lasted about an hour, they called for the United States to apologize and repent of its use of nuclear weapons in the Second World War and for total nuclear disarmament.

Greensburg Diocese apologizes in document ahead of grand jury report

The Diocese of Greensburg unveiled Aug. 9 a document about safeguards and procedures in place to protect children, as the state of Pennsylvania gets ready to release a grand jury report about past claims of sexual abuse of children.

Comparing the attempts to legalize abortion in Ireland and Argentina

There are many instructive comparisons to be made between how the process played out in these two countries.

St. Thomas More seeks founding parishioners to celebrate jubilee

The Pottstown parish will celebrate a special Mass for deceased original members as it marks its 50th anniversary.

God’s ‘persistent’ voice spurs Knights Family of the Year to serve others

Ryan and Elizabeth Young are the founders of Camp Veritas, a summer camp for Catholic high school students that began in 2008 in New York and spread to locations in Ireland and Florida.

Holy Martyrs hosts fall carnival with beer garden and ‘doggie bar’

The Oreland parish will close out summer and welcome autumn with a five-day celebration featuring rides, games, refreshments and a place for pets to relax.

Archbishop Gregory: Weary of ‘cloud of shame’ shrouding church leaders

Archbishop Gregory said Catholics everywhere, including him, "are stunned and justifiably angry at shameful, unrelenting recent revelations of bishops accused of abuse or mishandling allegations of abuse .