
Pope advances sainthood cause for Mexican mother, Argentine martyrs

The pope signed a decree recognizing a miracle attributed to the intercession of Venerable Concepcion Cabrera Arias, thus paving the way for her beatification. Another miracle would be needed for her canonization.

Pope to oil execs: ‘No time to lose’ in switch to alternative energy

"Civilization requires energy, but energy use must not destroy civilization," Pope Francis told a group of energy and oil executives and global investors.

Pope leads prayers for U.S.-North Korea summit in Singapore

Leading thousands of people in prayer, Pope Francis said he hoped the upcoming summit between the United States and North Korea would lead to lasting peace.

Vatican criminal court indicts monsignor on child porn charges

Vatican City State's criminal court issued the indictment June 9, the Vatican press office announced. Msgr. Carlo Alberto Capella has been held in a jail cell in the Vatican police barracks since April 9.

Legal challenges put Iowa’s fetal heartbeat law on hold

Plaintiffs are challenging the constitutionality of the so-called fetal heartbeat bill. A heartbeat can be detected in an unborn baby at around six weeks of age, before some women may realize they are pregnant.

Pope accepts resignations of three Chilean bishops in wake of scandal

The announcement came as Pope Francis was sending his Vatican team back to Chile to promote healing from the abuse crisis.

Gaza students defy daily challenges to do well in Catholic-run school

"They teach me about life and how to have a positive outlook, not just book learning."

Robert Kennedy’s Catholicism was part of his personal life and politics

Underlying the tributes to Robert F. Kennedy on the 50th anniversary of his assassination is an unmistakable connection to his Catholic faith.

East European church leaders fret about same-sex marriage ruling

The Luxembourg-based European Court of Justice upheld June 5 the right of a Romanian gay man, Adrian Coman, to have his American marriage partner, Claibourn Robert Hamilton, living with him.

Space station crew members give pope custom-made blue flight suit

The outfit also came with add-on white mantle, or short cape, just so there would be no mistaking he was still the pope.